
'Biden Is Scared to Death' - Sen. John Kennedy Calls Out President's Fear of Going Against 'Hamas Wing'


Outspoken Republican Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana isn’t known for holding back when it comes to President Joe Biden — or anyone else on the leftist end of the political spectrum.

But at a Capitol Hill news conference last week, where he blasted Biden for failing to taking action against universities allowing anti-Semitic protests to take over their campuses, he made his point particularly clear.

And, with his trademark wit, he made fun of himself in the process.

“President Biden could stop this stuff on a dime,” Kennedy said. “On a dime.

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“It just goes to show you that even old people can suck,” the 72-year-old Kennedy said, much to the amusement of Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, 46, who was standing behind him.

“All he would have to do,” Kennedy continued, “is pick up the phone and call the president of Columbia University quietly, and say, ‘Madam President, how’re you doing? Listen, I don’t have a lot of time, and I know you’re busy — you’ve got 14 days to get control of your campus, or you’re not getting any more federal money.’

“Now, she will pounce on that like a ninja,” Kennedy said.

“But Joe Biden hasn’t done that. And President Biden is not going to do that,” Kennedy said. “And it’s not just because even old, old, older people can suck. He’s not going to do that because of the raw, gut politics, and you know it, and I know it,” Kennedy said.

Do you agree with Kennedy?”

“President Biden is scared to death of the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party.”

Kennedy called the unrest on campuses — like Columbia in New York City, UCLA in Los Angeles, and the country in between — “rule by mob.”

“Rule by mob,” according to Kennedy’s definition, is “a belief in diversity, equity, inclusion — and the right to kill Jews.”

“And it’s wrong,” he said, now deadly serious.

Kennedy hit the nail on the head when he said that Biden is too afraid to upset his Democratic base.

Watch: Sen. John Kennedy Says 'Biden Is in Trouble,' Claims He's Polling with 'Fungal Infections' in Fiery Rant

At George Washington University, protesters superimposed the words “Genocide Joe” on the American flag hung from a building in response to the Palestinian flag draped around the statue of George Washington.

The official student arm of the Democratic Party, College Democrats of America, has vocally supported the protesters. In an April 30 statement, according to Fox News, the group praised the “heroic” demonstrators for their “moral clarity” in opposing what they term the “destructive, genocidal, and unjust” Israeli military actions.

“We commend the bravery of students across the country who have been willing to endure arrests, suspension, and threats of expulsion to stand up for the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people,” the group’s statement read, according to Fox.

Biden is stuck between the devils of Hamas terrorists and the deep blue sea of Democrats who support them.

So, he has resorted to evasive maneuvers, dodging reporters’ inquiries in the hopes that by sidestepping the issue altogether, he can replicate his successful campaign strategy from 2020.

If a few thousand Jewish students are made to feel like they’re back in 1930s Germany, in Biden’s world, it’s a small price to pay.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal


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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
