
Lithium Mother Lode Discovered in Most Unlikely of Places - Green New Deal Radicals Won't Like This One Bit


While green energy advocates love to hype up electric vehicles and all their other “eco-friendly” practices, the reality is that there’s an essential ingredient to all of it.


Without lithium, none of their beloved “environmentally friendly” practices would be able to function.

Lithium batteries store energy to keep wind turbines running when there’s no wind. They power the electric vehicles the left loves.

Lithium isn’t the easiest resource to get a hold of either. While it’s far from rare, there is still a limited supply and as that begins to dry up, prices will increase and the ability to achieve the battery-reliant utopia liberals yearn for will become more impossible to achieve.

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But luckily for these green energy zealots, a massive source of the metal has been found within the American homeland.

Unfortunately for them though, it’s found within their worst nightmares: Fracking, the practice of using water to extract natural gas and oil.

More specifically, a new report from the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory has found that the wastewater generated from fracking in the Marcellus Shale — a geological formation beneath much of the Appalachian Mountains — contains a notable amount of lithium, according to West Virginia Public Broadcasting.

“The laboratory concludes that Pennsylvania’s shale wells alone could provide as much as 40 percent of the nation’s lithium supply,” the outlet reported.

Do you agree with fracking?

“The drilling boom in Appalachia created large volumes of produced water that is considered a waste,” Justin Mackey, the project’s lead investigator Justin Mackey, told West Virginia Public Radio.

“We found that this fluid is significantly enriched with lithium compared to produced water from other shale formations.”

With the rise of electric vehicles and other green solutions, the demand for lithium has never been higher.

However, now the tree-huggers of America are posed with a moral dilemma.

Fracking is banned in Democratic-run New York state. And Green New Deal radicals like Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez support a ban on it at the national level.

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Now, leftists are faced with a reason to support fracking so they can get the lithium needed to achieve the supposed clean world they advocate for, or turn down loads of the material.

After so many years of vilifying the practice to no end, a sudden endorsement of it would undoubtedly be a terrible look for the movement (though radical environmentalists hardly have a good look to begin with).

On the other hand, the new information could be the perfect opportunity for these zealots to admit fracking isn’t the worst thing in the world and instead is simply one of many methods to obtain oil and gas.

Of course, expecting liberals to admit they’re wrong is a pipe dream but who knows? Crazier things have happened.

Nonetheless, for any person not brainwashed by the establishment into believing global warming is the greatest threat to the world, the discovery of large amounts of lithium accessible within the United States is a positive.

We’ll see if any leftists are willing to admit that.

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