
Sick FBI Torture Technique Exposed by 5 Year SWAT Vet, Ex-FBI Operator Defending J6ers


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Former FBI agent Steve Friend alleges in the new documentary film “Capitol Punishment 2: The War on Truth” that the agency’s use of SWAT raids against January 6 defendants is unnecessary and intended to inflict pain.

“The punishment is the process. My job, from my perspective, is to protect the innocent from the bully,” he told filmmakers. “The FBI’s become the bully, and I need to stand up against that. Why are we using a tactical team, even if it’s felony?”

“The person has told us that he will cooperate with us. And we’re going to reward that two years later by sending a BearCat into his front yard at 6 o’clock in the morning,” Friend stated.

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“That’s not what I signed up to do, and I’m a guy who was on SWAT. I did SWAT for five years,” he said.

Friend suggested alternatives to his superiors “such as the issuance of a court summons or utilizing surveillance groups to determine an optimal, safe time for a local sheriff deputy to contact the subjects and advise them about the existence of the arrest warrant.”

The FBI suspended Friend in 2022 without pay because he declined to go on January 6 raids.

He then became a whistleblower and testified before the House Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee last year along with two other FBI agents, who had also been suspended for their objections to the bureau’s treatment of Americans subject to Jan. 6 investigations.

Jan. 6 defendants Mark and Jalise Middleton of Texas are two who received the SWAT treatment.

Jalise told “The War on Truth” filmmakers that she was coming down the handicapped ramp in front their home with her hands up in April 2021 when she heard two flash-bang grenades go off behind her.

Mark recounted, “When I asked them, ‘Why did they do that?’ They said, ‘Washington told them to do it this way.’ What we found out is that every J6er they arrest gets at least one flash-bang.”

“It’s symbolism,” Jalise concluded. “If you think about it, they’re accusing us of attacking them. I believe that was their symbolism to give back what they’re claiming we gave them.”

Stream “The War on Truth” NOW. Rent for $7.77 for 48 hours or digitally purchase for $9.99.

Mark added, “They want to make sure that everybody knows that if you get out of line, that they’re going to come after you in a big way.”

In other words, the purpose of the raid is to inflict both physical and mental trauma, which is a form of torture.

Actor Nick Searcy, the producer of the 2021 documentary film “Capitol Punishment” and “War on the Truth” described the FBI SWAT raids as a terror technique.

“You would expect them to call. Give him a phone call and say, ‘We’d like to talk to you.’ Right? But no, they do this on purpose, because they’re trying to terrorize,” he said regarding a 2021 early morning raid conducted on January 6 defendant Derek Kinnison of California.

The Department of Justice did not accuse Kinnison of engaging in any violence or even entering the Capitol building on Jan. 6. Yet during the home raid, the FBI threw a flash-bang grenade and marched he and his 12-year-old daughter out in front of the house so she could watch her father get handcuffed and taken into custody.

Fellow Californian and Jan. 6 defendant, Felipe Antonio Martinez, also got the SWAT treatment complete with two flash-bang grenades, his young teenage daughter told Searcy. The FBI then handcuffed her during her father’s arrest, she said.

Martinez was not accused of engaging in any violence or entering the Capitol building.

“By driving these armored vehicles and all these SWAT team members into these little neighborhoods, they are not only terrorizing Derek and his family, they are sending a message to his community, to all of his neighbors, that ‘This is a dangerous person here,’” Searcy asserted.

“This is a terror tactic, and it’s being used on American citizens. It’s being used to silence you, to make you say, ‘Whoa, I better not ever ever speak up against the government myself ’cause that might happen to me,’” he said.

You can watch “The War on Truth” now by clicking HERE

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