
Man with 'Hail Satan' Knife Allegedly Breaks Into House, Then the Gun-Toting Homeowner Gives Him a Reason to Pray


It can be beautiful to watch the Second Amendment protect Americans and their families.

On Monday in the town of Taylor, Texas, about 30 miles northeast of Austin, a man allegedly attempted to rob a home using a satanic knife but was halted by an armed homeowner.

Police received a 911 call at 11:35 p.m. in which a homeowner reported a man with a knife was trying to enter the house, according to Taylor Press.

While they were en route, the person had gotten into the house — and was shot.

Officers arrived to find the suspect — identified as 23-year-old Austin Sumpter — lying on the front porch with a gunshot wound to his hip, the Press reported.

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Sumpter was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

Upon further inspection of the break-in, police discovered a large knife whose sheath was inscribed with the words “Hail Satan.”

Police obtained a warrant charging Sumpter with burglary of a habitation with the commission of a felony.

They said it would be served when he is released from the hospital.

Is the Second Amendment in danger?

This incident perfectly demonstrates why it’s important for Americans to stay armed and protect the Second Amendment.

The robber was surely a sick and deranged individual if he was sporting a “Hail Satan” knife, so who knows what evil acts he may have performed while in the house if not prevented.

While the police are there to deal with criminals as they did here, there is time before they can arrive at the scene.

A single firearm ensured that all residents were protected and the only person to sustain an injury was the man who essentially asked for it.

If this household lived in a liberal state instead of Texas, perhaps the news would be a robbery that went wrong and ended with the unneeded loss of lives.

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America’s Founding Fathers provided us with the Second Amendment for a reason, and it’s not so snowflake liberals can take it away.

Firearms keep yourself, your family and your community safe.

If anyone wants to forgo owning a gun, that’s his or her own choice, but we should never allow the government to tell us we can’t.

Guns are a tool to keep yourself safe.

If people tell you not to own one, you’ve been told your safety isn’t important.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


Gen. Flynn’s warning means that the 2024 election is the most important election for every single living American. If we lose this one to the wealthy elites who hate us, hate God, and hate what America stands for, we can only assume that 248 years of American history and the values we hold dear to our hearts may soon vanish.


The end game is here, and as Benjamin Franklin said, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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