
Barron and Melania Make First Appearance Since Trump Conviction that was 'Tougher on Them'


Former first lady Melania Trump and the Trumps’ son, Barron, stepped out for the first time Tuesday following last week’s absurd conviction of former President Donald Trump in a New York City kangaroo court.

Photos published by the New York Post showed Melania walking out of Trump Tower and getting into a Secret Service SUV.

Trailing the stunning former first lady was 18-year-old Barron, who looked dashing in a fitted blue suit.

According to the Post, it was the first time in nearly two weeks that Melania left her lavish Manhattan penthouse, where she had been holed up during her husband’s trial.

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Trump said he believes Melania and Barron have suffered more than he has during the recent ordeal.

“I think in many ways it’s tougher on them than it is on me,” he told “Fox & Friends Weekend” in an interview that aired Sunday.

The presumptive Republican nominee said the trial has been especially hard on his wife because she is exposed to malicious gossip.

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“I have a wonderful wife who has to listen to this stuff all the time,” he said. “And I’m not even allowed to defend myself [in public] because of a gag order.”

Trump said it’s not easy, but Melania is handling the media circus well under the circumstances.

“She’s fine, but I think it’s very hard for her … she has to read all this crap,” he said.

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When asked how his teenage son is doing, Trump beamed with pride, calling Barron “amazing.”

“He’s tall, good-looking. He’s a very good student,” the former president told “Fox & Friends Weekend.”

“He’s applied to colleges and gets into everywhere he goes, you know?” the proud father gushed.

“He’s a very smart guy … And he’s a great kid. He’s cool. He’s pretty cool.”

Last week, a Manhattan jury convicted Trump on 34 specious felony counts of falsifying business records related to “hush money” payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels before the 2016 presidential campaign.

Numerous legal experts slammed the unprecedented conviction, saying it will likely be reversed on appeal.

Trump is scheduled to be sentenced on July 11 — just four days before the Republican National Convention kicks off in Milwaukee.

Despite the cynically timed pre-election lawfare, Trump appears to be thriving amid the chaos and negativity, which has galvanized his supporters.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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