
UK Cancer Group Panders to Transgenders by Asking Insulting Question


A U.K. ovarian cancer organization decided to pander to transgender activists in a social media post as part of LGBT “Pride Month” on Tuesday.

“Did you know that anyone with ovaries, regardless of gender identity, can be at risk for ovarian cancer?” Ovarian Cancer Action said on X.

“Let’s raise awareness by asking: can men get ovarian cancer?” it said.

The correct answer, of course, is no.

That fact was reflected in a Community Note added to the post. “Only those whose sex is female are at risk from ovarian cancer,” it said.

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The simple reality is that women are the only people who can get ovarian cancer because they’re the only people with ovaries.

Users on X are keenly aware of this, slamming the advocacy group for spreading what is essentially misinformation in an attempt to pander to transgenders.

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“No, men cannot get ovarian cancer,” British activist Kellie-Jay Keen replied. “Gender identity doesn’t get ovarian cancer, women’s bodies do.

“Did you know anyone with funding can lose their funding? That erasing women will bite you in the ovary? You damage revenue with this. I’d never give you a penny.”

“Did you know that only females have ovaries? And that the word for adult human females is ‘woman’?” another user said.

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The women’s advocacy group For Women Scotland also sought to set the cancer awareness group straight.

“No, men can’t get ovarian cancer. What with not having ovaries,” it said. “This is stupid and insulting.

“Stick to clear language about SEX please and stop pretending cancer has anything to do with ‘identity.’

“Oh, and you will damage trust. What cancer survivor will trust you now to speak the truth?”

The response was so bad that Ovarian Cancer Action set the post so that no one could respond to it.

While perhaps this group thought it was doing something positive, the post only served to undermine its message and push women aside.

Ovarian cancer is an extremely serious topic.

Using it as a chance to score points for “Pride Month” is a bad move.

When will organizations stop pandering toward the LGBT community at the cost of everyone else?

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


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