
88 Percent of Murderers in Obama's Hometown Are Still on the Loose from 2017


Chicago Police have only charged a suspect in 12 percent of homicide cases in 2017, meaning city residents had an 88 percent chance of getting away with murder last year.

Chicago suffered 604 fatal shootings in 2017, 570 that have yet to be solved, according to, a website that has documented accurate violent crime statistics regarding the city of Chicago since 2013.

These numbers comes as Chicago police are touting a decreased rate of gun violence compared to 2016.

Last year’s homicide total, 762, was the highest in nearly two decades, and 2017 remains far above 2015’s total of 468.

“We classified 2016 simply as a ‘s—show.’ We’re going to say that 2017 was slightly less s—show-y, but a s—show nonetheless,” wrote.

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“Come midnight Jan 1, 2018, 16.5 percent less people were dead and nearly 20 percent less people were found themselves with additional ventilation. Aside from comparing 2017 to the worst year in two decades, a decline in the incline is parade worthy.”

Joining the homicide clearance rate on the bad side of 2017 was the carjacking rate, that was the highest in a decade.

The Chicago Police Department reported 967 carjackings in 2017 through Dec. 27, a sharp 30 percent increase over 2016’s 682 total.

The past three years have shown a stark upward trend in car thefts after eight consecutive years of decline since 2007, when 898 jackings were reported.

Carjackings had bottomed out at roughly 300 reports in 2014.

“We constantly look at it, but to just give you a simple answer is difficult,” Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson told reporters. “Sometimes you can’t predict what these (carjackers) are going to do and how they’re going to do it.”

Chicago police also spent $200 million on overtime payments in 2017, a 40 percent increase over 2016, that was already a record high.

Police remain optimistic about continuing the decline in 2018.

“I am proud of the progress our officers made in reducing gun violence all across the city in 2017,” Johnson said in a statement.

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“In 2018, we are going to work to build on the progress we made last year — to reduce gun violence to save lives and to find justice for victims.”

A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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