
Andrew Gillum Tweeted 'Healthcare is a Right.' Twitter Exploded.


Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum pulled off a stunning upset in Florida’s gubernatorial primary on Tuesday, defeating former U.S. Rep. Gwen Graham and others to win the Democratic nomination.

Gillum, who is described as “proudly liberal,” will become the Sunshine State’s first black governor if he defeats Republican U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis in November’s general election.

The 39-year-old mayor supports a progressive agenda that includes limiting Second Amendment rights, instituting a $15-an-hour minimum wage and abolishing the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

Gillum also supports government-run health care in the form of “Medicare for All.” The plan, which is being pushed by democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, “would cost a breathtaking $32.6 trillion over 10 years,” the Heritage Foundation estimated.

Two days after his primary victory, Gillum took to Twitter to declare, “Healthcare is a right.”

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His statement received more than 18,000 retweets and 90,000 likes. However, over 6,000 people took the time to reply to Gillum’s tweet, and large numbers of them strongly disagreed with him.

Many cited the U.S. Constitution, while others said no one has a “right” to a service provided by others.

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Do you think health care is a right?

While you might think Gillum’s far-left views would hurt him in Florida, which supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election and hasn’t had a Democratic governor since 1999, the first poll on the gubernatorial race found him leading DeSantis 48 percent to 43 percent.

The battle between Gillum and the Trump-supporting DeSantis should be one of the more interesting campaigns of 2018.

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Todd Windsor is a senior story editor at The Western Journal. He has worked as an editor or reporter in news and sports for more than 30 years.
Todd Windsor is a senior story editor at The Western Journal. He was born in Baltimore and grew up in Maryland. He graduated from the University of Miami (he dreams of wearing the turnover chain) and has worked as an editor and reporter in news and sports for more than 30 years. Todd started at The Miami News (defunct) and went on to work at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C., the St. Petersburg (now Tampa Bay) Times, The Baltimore Sun and Space News before joining Liftable Media in 2016. He and his beautiful wife have two amazing daughters and a very old Beagle.
Bachelor of Science from the University of Miami
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