
Al Gore Gets Called Out by Expert for 'Fraudulent' Claim About Hurricane Florence


Former Vice President Al Gore claimed that for the first time in history the world was witnessing hurricanes in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans make landfall simultaneously.

“This is the first time in history that two major storms are making landfall from the Atlantic and the Pacific simultaneously, and each recalls some of their predecessors,” Gore said Friday at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco.

Cato Institute atmospheric scientist Ryan Maue was quick to call out Gore for making the false claim.

Gore was referring to Hurricane Florence and Super Typhoon Mangkhut.
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Gore echoed the claim initially made in an NBC News article published Sunday, claiming “(i)n rare event, Atlantic, Pacific churn with storms at same time,” adding that “(u)sually when the Pacific is alive with storm energy the Atlantic Ocean is not.”

Do you think Al Gore is a fraud?

NBC suggested two storms churning in two different oceans at the same time could be a symptom of man-made global warming. According to NBC, seeing two major cyclones, like Hurricane Florence and Super Typhoon Mangkhut, at the same time is rare.

Gore took it further and claimed it’s historically unprecedented. However, it’s not at all rare for hurricanes to churn in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans at the same time, Maue tweeted.

It also has nothing to do with global warming.

Hurricane Florence made landfall in North Carolina on Friday as a Category 1 storm. Super Typhoon Mangkhut is about to strike the Philippines, packing 160 mph winds.

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