
Pressure from Republicans Has Trump Moving Navy Seal Imprisoned for War Crimes


President Trump announced Saturday in a tweet that a Navy Seal imprisoned for war crimes will be moved to ‘less restrictive confinement’ after pressure from Republicans.

“In honor of his past service to our Country, Navy Seal #EddieGallagher will soon be moved to less restrictive confinement while he awaits his day in court. Process should move quickly!” Trump tweeted.

Trump’s words come amidst pressure from Republican representatives to grant Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher better treatment.

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Imprisoned for premeditated murder and aggravated assault against an ISIS prisoner and civilians, Gallagher has spent the last six months on the Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar in California as he awaits his war crimes trial to begin.

Reports have recently emerged that Gallagher has restricted access to food, his legal team, and medical care, according to Fox News.

Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw and 17 other Republicans brought Gallagher’s treatment to the attention of the Secretary of the Navy through a letter.

“We have received reports that Chief Gallagher’s access to counsel and access to food and medical care may have been restricted,” the letter said.

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“As a result, we respectfully request that you review the Navy policies governing pretrial confinement for Chief Gallagher and other service members to ensure compliance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice.”

Republican Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina, one of those behind the letter, reportedly told Fox and Friends on Friday that Gallagher’s treatment was beneath the dignity of a Navy Seal.

“They’ve got him in with rapists, they’ve got him in with pedophiles,” Norman said.

“This man spent 20 years of his life, he spent 15 of it as a SEAL, he volunteered to serve this country overseas not once, not twice, but eight times and the least they can do is have him in confinement if they need be and let him have … medical treatment, let him get his proper legal defense team together,” Norman said.

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A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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