
ICE Releases Chilling List of Rapists and Murderers Protected by Sanctuary Laws


New sanctuary state legislation in Washington state has proven unpopular with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, with workers in the Pacific Northwest issuing a press release containing a list of rapists and murderers who will be protected under the new law.

The press release outlined seven instances where requests to detain criminal illegal aliens were ignored, Fox News reported.

Washington’s new sanctuary state legislation, signed into law by Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee, means state and local authorities can, in most instances, no longer ask questions about immigration status.

In each instance described in the ICE press release, the aliens released back into the public went on to commit brutal murders and rapes.

One example in the press release described the story of Francisco Carranza-Ramirez, an illegal alien who raped a wheelchair-bound woman in Seattle twice.

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After being sentenced to time served, Carranza-Ramirez was expected to self-deport to Mexico.

Officials from the King County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that while he did ultimately return to his home country, he assaulted the same victim for a third time before leaving.

Another example described how, despite a request from ICE to detain illegal alien Rosalio Ramos-Ramos after being released from a Washington jail, he went on to murder and dismember a victim.

Both the request for notification of pending release and an immigration detainer were denied.

ICE also explained how Martin Gallo-Gallardo, after being released from Clackamas County Jail in Oregon, was arrested just months later for allegedly killing his wife.

Once again, jail officials ignored requests for notification of release and an immigration detainer.

The radical legislation means Washington joins Oregon and California in opposing President Donald Trump’s agenda of reducing illegal immigration and increasing the detention of migrants.

“Our state agencies are not immigration enforcement agencies,” Inslee said. “We will not be complicit in the Trump administration’s depraved efforts to break up hard-working immigrant and refugee families.”

Bryan Wilcox, Deputy Director for ICE’s Seattle office, told Fox News the legislation puts lives in danger.

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“I think we’ve sort of hit a critical mass and this statute that the state passed is one step too far,” he said.

Inslee previously signed a similar executive order in 2017. He is currently seeking the Democratic nomination for president in the 2020 election.

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Jack Buckby is an English conservative writer and author. He has previously worked in British, Canadian and Polish media, offering a conservative perspective on international issues.
Jack Buckby is an English conservative writer and author. He has previously worked in British, Canadian and Polish media, offering a conservative perspective on international issues.

His last book, Architects of Betrayal, documented the catastrophic Brexit negotiation process under the leadership of Prime Minister Theresa May. His next book will explore the reality of political extremism, and will be published in Spring 2020.
