
Actor Nick Cordero's Wife Says She Was Told To Say 'Goodbye' But Husband Keeps Fighting


It’s been just over two weeks since Amanda Kloots sent out a desperate plea for prayers for her husband, actor Nick Cordero.

Cordero has suffered a plethora of complications after contracting COVID-19 in March, and the poor man continues to struggle with health issues.

On May 20, Kloots posted an unusually short update, simply asking for help.

“Mega prayers for this special man right now,” she wrote. “God continue to grant miracles.”

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Cordero has continued to fight, and Kloots is holding out hope that his story isn’t over yet, despite the dim prognosis the doctors have given him.

“Everyday 3pm PST/6pm EST we sing Nicks song, Live Your Life,” she shared on May 24. You guys have joined me now for 42 days, cheering Nick on to wake up and get off the vent.”

“This rollercoaster has been a wild one with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, but the support and energy that comes at 3pm ALWAYS puts me on a high!”

“Thank you for singing and dancing with me everyday! Thank you for the thoughts and prayers, the DM’s, the cards, flowers, help, meals and gifts. We have had a tough week but Nick showed us yet again how strong he is and we are back on an uphill climb.”

She posts lots of photos of her husband, some featuring her with him or him holding their adorable son.

“I miss him,” she posted on May 27. “Day 57 ❤️ I remember taking this picture of Nick. We were walking to a pedtrician appointment. I was thinking, ‘he’s the cutest Dad in the entire world!'”

“Nick wrote to me on Valentines Day, ‘The future’s uncertain, the path is not always clear, but with you by my side I walk with no fear,'” she shared on Saturday. “It’s day 60 and I miss him more than ever.”

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Kloots has said the fact that Cordero is still alive is a miracle, and that she’ll keep hoping for more miracles every day.

“I’ve been told a couple times that he won’t make it,” she shared in her most recent update on June 3. “I’ve been told to say goodbye. I’ve been told it would take a miracle.”

“Well, I have faith. Faith that is small as a mustard seed sometimes, but that is all you need sometimes. He’s still here and despite his odds gets slightly, slightly better every day.”

“Where there is faith, there is hope. Where there is hope, there can be a miracle! Like my dad has said since day one, every day he’s still with us is a miracle. I believe God is with us, with the doctors and with Nick.”

Kloots has also expressed her thanks for the prayers and well-wishes and her hope that they will continue as Cordero continues to persevere.

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Amanda holds an MA in Rhetoric and TESOL from Cal Poly Pomona. After teaching composition and logic for several years, she's strayed into writing full-time and especially enjoys animal-related topics.
As of January 2019, Amanda has written over 1,000 stories for The Western Journal but doesn't really know how. Graduating from California State Polytechnic University with a MA in Rhetoric/Composition and TESOL, she wrote her thesis about metacognitive development and the skill transfer between reading and writing in freshman students.
She has a slew of interests that keep her busy, including trying out new recipes, enjoying nature, discussing ridiculous topics, reading, drawing, people watching, developing curriculum, and writing bios. Sometimes she has red hair, sometimes she has brown hair, sometimes she's had teal hair.
With a book on productive communication strategies in the works, Amanda is also writing and illustrating some children's books with her husband, Edward.
Austin, Texas
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English und ein bißchen Deutsch
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Faith, Animals, Cooking
