
Andrew Cuomo Makes Shock Announcement: He's Returning to Politics


Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a return to politics in a video posted online on Thursday.

“I am starting a new political action committee to elect the right people to office. We do not need more panderers; we need producers,” Cuomo said in the video, which was posted on Vimeo by Rich Azzopardi, Cuomo’s longtime aide.

Cuomo also said he was starting the “Gun Safe America Project,” which he said he would address later, adding that “I do not believe our federal government has the courage or the capacity to make real progress.”

Cuomo’s announcement comes over a year after he resigned in disgrace following accusations of sexual harassment from several women. The allegations prompted an investigation by the New York attorney general’s office.

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The attorney general’s report, published in August of last year, concluded that Cuomo had sexually harrassed 11 women by touching them without their consent. Authorities in five New York counties then began criminal investigations into Cuomo.

He was ultimately not indicted on any charge of sexual harassment. One criminal complaint, filed by the Albany County district attorney, was dismissed by a state judge in January.

Cuomo was also at the center of a scandal regarding his administration’s response to COVID-19. Investigations by the State Assembly and the attorney general’s office found that he had ordered staff to significantly undercount COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes.

In the video, Cuomo said he is “not done fighting yet.”

“I am very concerned about the state of our country,” he said. “I believe our democracy is in peril and that this is a critical time in our nation.”

Cuomo listed a series of problems facing America. “Inflation through the roof, gas prices skyrocket, the stock market plummets, [and] crime and homelessness worse than ever before in many cities,” he said, adding that “[people] feel the government just isn’t doing enough.”

“I’ve seen a lot, I’ve learned a lot, and I’ve done a lot — and I want to help,” he said.

Cuomo and Azzopardi did not immediately respond to requests for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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A version of this article appeared on the Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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