Win McNamee / Getty ImagesCommentary Then and Now: Bolton's Trump-Bashing Book Earns Him Unlikely Allies at The Times It was media pariah to left-wing hero for Bolton following his September 2019 ouster from the Trump White House. Oh, how times change. By A. J. Sciascia June 19, 2020
Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images Flip-Flop: AZ Gov Now Gives Local Governments Mandate for Mask Orders and Enforcement 'On cloth face coverings, we've heard from local governments, they've requested the ability to mandate masks.' By A. J. Sciascia June 18, 2020
Courtesy of Jo Jorgensen for President 2020 Presidential Nominee Says Libertarian Party the 'True Outsiders' for 'Fed-Up' Electorate The political appetite for an 'outsider' is strong, Jo Jorgensen told The Western Journal in a telephone interview last week. By A. J. Sciascia June 17, 2020
N_Defender / Shutterstock Author Says Decade-Long Hidden Treasure Worth $1M Has Been Found: 'The Search Is Over' The hunt for Forrest Fenn's treasure began with the appearance of a cryptic poem in his autobiography providing clues as to its whereabouts. By A. J. Sciascia June 13, 2020
The Western Journal / screen shot Radical Left, GOP 'Establishment' Alike in Crosshairs for Conservative AZ Congressional Candidate Avoiding the company and sway of establishment figures, Reidhead has promised to join the House Freedom Caucus if elected. By A. J. Sciascia June 13, 2020
Courtesy of Brittany Elliott 7-Year-Old Boy Goes Viral for Inspiring Moments of Prayer with Local Cops 'He is that mustard seed planted which yields a tree used by all,' Tulsa Police Department Chief Wendell Franklin said. By A. J. Sciascia June 13, 2020
Terry Wyatt / Getty ImagesCommentary Country Band Changes Name After Being 'Regretful and Embarrassed' About Ties to Slavery As heartfelt and well-intentioned as the band's statement may have been, it was an answer in search of a question. By A. J. Sciascia June 12, 2020
Warner Bros. via Robbie Shaw / YouTube screen shotCommentary New 'Looney Tunes' Episodes Will Feature 'Cartoony Violence,' But Not Guns Hollywood leftists were intent on making a few changes in order not to offend a weak-stomached modern audience. By A. J. Sciascia June 10, 2020
Stephen Maturen / Getty Images Minneapolis City Councilwoman: Expecting Police Protection Is a 'Privilege' Bender joined Sunday with colleagues on the Minneapolis City Council to announce official plans to disband the city's police department. By A. J. Sciascia June 9, 2020
Al Bello / Getty ImagesCommentary CA County Now Using COVID To Dictate How & Where People Can Drive 'Since day one, these orders have been ridiculously difficult to enforce.' By A. J. Sciascia May 10, 2020