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Gun-Control Activist Finds Picture of 'Scary' Gun... Silenced After Learning What She Really Posted
This completely exposes gun-grabbers' actual goal.
F18 Pilot Tracks UFO on Screen, Shouts "What the **** Is That Thing?!"
What do you think it was?
Warren's Response to DNA Test Is Embarrassingly Cringe-Worthy
Well, that's telling.
NRA Drops Bombshell Videos After Governor Calls Them A 'Terrorist Organization'
The left wants to call those who stand up for their rights "terrorists," but these NRA members had something to say in response to that.
Dem. State Chairman Literally Pushes to Ban Men From Certain Elections
The party that claims to be all about inclusiveness and non-discrimination will now exclude and discriminate...
Sheriff Clarke Has a Blunt Message for Punk Kids Who Attacked Betsy DeVos at FL School
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is extremely unpopular among most on the left, largely due to the fact that her proposals for reforming our nation’s education system threaten the liberal status […]