Man Finds Himself Behind Bars After Making Phone Call When Car Won't Start
When the car won’t start, who would you call? The AAA? A tow truck? Someone to pick you up? As hypotheticals go, there’s no particular right answer to this question, […]
When the car won’t start, who would you call? The AAA? A tow truck? Someone to pick you up? As hypotheticals go, there’s no particular right answer to this question, […]
Could Biblical prophecy be playing itself out in Siberia? At least one state-run news agency thinks that could very well be the case. According to the U.K. Mirror, the Molchanka […]
When Sarah Palin first came to national attention as John McCain’s running mate during the 2008 election, the then-Alaska governor was fond of saying “Drill, baby, drill!” — a slogan […]
There have been plenty of wonderful Easter eggs for conservatives inside the text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his lover Lisa Page, a bureau lawyer. It’s like the […]
When it comes to the Strzok-Page texts, the hits just keep on coming. And this time, it’s former President Obama who’s taking the hit. A newly released set of texts […]
People often like to think about politics in sports terms, as if it’s the closest thing we’ll see to on-field competition in the real world. Even Ted Kennedy, when given […]
In the wake of a commotion by the American Civil Liberties Union, Walgreens is allowing any customer to use whatever bathroom their little heart — or gender identity — desires. […]
It’s bad enough when the men and women of the Democrat Party decide to stay in their seats, playing iPhone games and being distracted when the president gives his State […]
Liberals claim to love science. Unless it contradicts them. In which case, it’s just plain racist/sexist/bigoted/mansplaining/whatever. Few object lessons in this could be so dramatic as the liberals outraged, panicked […]
Could President Trump be getting a major military parade, the likes of which we’re used to seeing in many European countries (in addition to a few less-savory nations)? According to […]