Trump Brought House Down With Best SOTU Line in History
The State of the Union is partially about the president bringing forth new policies and initiatives, but it also has a lot to do with reframing the debate over key […]
The State of the Union is partially about the president bringing forth new policies and initiatives, but it also has a lot to do with reframing the debate over key […]
The Democrats have always called for us to be more united and less divided. So, how did they react on Tuesday when he called for unity right at the top […]
If you’re a package thief and you’ve gone viral, odds are it generally doesn’t have to do with your skill as a cat burglar. After all, suburban parcel larceny generally […]
People who order from Dominoes Pizza are usually either a) drunk or b) don’t have better pizza options available. Daniel Jones lives in pizza-crazy New Jersey, so there’s the first […]
In most of America, a wild coyote would be no big deal. They may be a nuisance, but they’re rarely a danger to life or limb. In the liberal utopia […]
When Essie Grundy walked into the Walmart in the Riverside County, California, town of Perris, she had to get assistance to get a 49-cent comb out of a locked case. Now, […]
You’ve probably seen it all over the news by now: Hillary Clinton reading parts of Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” during a skit broadcast at the Grammys on Sunday in […]
The Obama years were salad days for the global warming brigade at the Environmental Protection Agency. Every study or paper that said something along the lines of “OMG the world […]
The idea of a gender pay gap is one of the most controversial subjects in society today, with liberals claiming it persists due to a patriarchal society and conservatives arguing […]
“Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff got a ringing endorsement for his pile of fake news at this Sunday’s Grammys from none other than Hillary Clinton. If only people were […]