ICE Director Says 9th Circuit Court Is Causing Another Surge in Illegal Immigration
“(T)hat uptick is because of the loopholes in the system …”
“(T)hat uptick is because of the loopholes in the system …”
“…expected to kill over 50,000 people…”
“Consider adoption. Consider life. Consider carrying your baby to term, and placing your unborn child with a caring, nurturing, happy family.”
“We have ended the war on American energy.”
“What’s glaring are the missing details…”
The video of the intercept released Tuesday shows the Russian jet tearing past the American plane at close range …
“Stop taking our message!”
Trump made at least five statements that sounded uncannily Reaganesque.
Obama mentioned climate change three times in his 2010 SOTU address.
“I’m not sure why we’re there.”