San Francisco Leaders Giving Money to Same Energy Companies They Blame for Global Warming
“…no other way to spin this …”
“…no other way to spin this …”
“Carried out by six Taliban gunmen wearing suicide vests, the 13-hour siege at the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul left 22 people dead, including 14 foreigners.”
“Protecting criminal aliens from federal immigration authorities defies common sense and undermines the rule of law.”
The lab reportedly plans to conduct more cloning operations.
“It should be displayed so that our children will be exposed and educated on this great motto which is a part of this country’s foundation.”
The former gymnast claims that she practiced, competed and even made it to the national championship on a broken leg.
“If the president calls it a border wall, we do need a wall.”
“They were saying it was a gift from Allah.”
“The report also revealed that DOD circumvented the (Defense) Leahy Law by using ‘notwithstanding’ authority without notifying Congress, even providing aid to Afghan units implicated in child abuse. That is inexcusable.”
The lawmakers attacked Schumer almost immediately.