Report: Young Illegals Convicted of Crimes in Arizona 250% More Often Than US Citizens
“We are underestimating the number of crimes and social costs of criminal activity by undocumented immigrants.”
“We are underestimating the number of crimes and social costs of criminal activity by undocumented immigrants.”
“This federally imposed policy interferes with the States’ authority to manage the mix of energy generation within their own borders.”
“We have to demonstrate that we can govern ourselves before we are allowed to govern.”
“…a lack of adherence to sound navigational practices.”
“It defies both law and common sense.”
“A resolution to the DACA issue must be part of a global deal on the budget.”
“We need to continue to enhance our screening and vetting.”
“There’s no such thing as doing a clean Dream Act. The Democrats need to get over it. It’s not happening.”
President Trump had previously threatened to withhold U.S. funds to Palestinians.
“I undeniably underestimated the depth of the turnaround job.”