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Woman Shares How She 'Left Same-Sex Romance' for True Love
It’s easy for people to misunderstand why I left a life of romantic and sexual relationships with women. They string the list of renunciations together like a necklace — no […]
God Will Carry You Through Your Worst Fear -- If You Let Him
God does not bring good news that downplays or ignores harsh realities. The news He brings is good enough to confront and overcome the worst threats His children face, like death and war and whatever haunts you.
There's a Way to Pray for Victory Over Habitual Sins, and Many People Have No Idea What It Is
Sooner or later in your life — young people, heads up, old people know this. Sooner or later in your life, pressures and problems become almost overwhelming. • Physical problems […]
How 1 Man's Lost Credit Card Taught Him the Secret to Fighting Anxiety
Let me tell you a story with a twist. This story really happened to me about 35 years ago. But I’m retelling it as a parable. It really happened, but […]
Ever Feel Like You and God Aren't Connecting? There's a Simple Solution, but It's Hard
Be patient in the night of God’s seeming absence. Be patient in the night of God’s seeming absence. “I waited patiently for the Lord” (Psalm 40:1). Where? Where were you […]
12 Tips for Every Parent Living in the Digital Age
When talking about teens and screens — or ‘screenagers’ — we need to get concrete.
The Key to Getting What We Desire Is Found in 2nd Timothy 3:15
Second Timothy 3:15: “The sacred writings . . . are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” Now notice how wisdom works. It is a […]
Why Are We So Afraid of Rest?
It’s one o’clock in the morning, and I’m painting my hallway baseboards. These hyper self-aware words repeat in my head as my hands cut a clean line of white paint […]
How To Make Sure Satan Doesn't Get a Hold of You
We don’t know much about demons. The Bible speaks matter-of-factly of them, but provides little detail about them or their history. And God has good reasons for this, at least […]