Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, "50 Shades of Politics," was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.
'Germany,' the president said, 'is totally controlled by Russia, cause they are getting 60 to 70 percent of their energy from Russia and a new pipeline.'
Obviously, AMLO and Trump are headed for a collision that will reverberate strongly in the international community. In effect, the government of our southern neighbor — who shares a 1,954 mile border with us — has fallen into the hands of our enemy.
'Cutting off funding to sanctuary cities and states could be an important weapon in President Donald Trump's arsenal against localities that try to defy federal immigration laws.'
'Unless President Donald Trump makes an immediate appointment and the Senate Republicans use their one-vote majority to push through confirmation very quickly, the Democrats will try to turn the 2018 elections into a referendum on abortion and choice.'
It doesn’t matter if the leaking involved romance, money, gifts, or just ideology. Leaking confidential — even if not classified — information to journalists must be out of bounds.
The left is endlessly seeking to put a good face on illegal immigration. They began by isolating those who came here as children in the company of their parents who entered illegally calling them “dreamers” and declining to enforce the law that would send them home.