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Dem Candidate's $5 Million Tax 'Scheme' Exposed in Letter to US Attorney's Office
'The facts described in the Inspector General’s report appear to constitute fraud and perjury.'
Officer Expertly Takes Down Idiot Breaking the #1 Rule of Range Shooting
It's almost unbelievable.
Liberals Triggered After Receiving Presidential Alert, But It Was Obama Who Authorized It
Not only does President Donald Trump's very existence trigger them, but they now have to live with the fact that Trump effectively has them on speed dial.
'Man' Who Got PTSD by Firing AR-15 Says Kavanaugh Daughter 'Fair Game'
If this is the left's version of equality, I want no part in it.
Facebook Slapped with Sex-Trafficking Suit in Midst of Data Breach Scandal
According to the lawsuit, the woman was beaten, raped, and pictures taken of her were posted online.
Watch: Once-in-a-Lifetime Video Catches Chaos as Runaway Horse Charges Into Bar
One minute you're enjoying a beer and the next thing you know, it's sheer equine terror.
Ocasio-Cortez Embarrasses Herself, Doesn't Know the Basics of Congress and the Presidency
It's tough to imagine a rational adult willing to vote for her.
Swetnick Gave Reporters Name of Dead Person To Corroborate Her Story
Swetnick's account raises red flags from the very beginning.
Key Google Leader Equates GOP Rep. with 'Terrorists' and 'Thugs,' Supports Censoring Her
Google's claims of impartiality are looking less like the truth thanks to some leaked emails.