'If the U.S. sells a car into China, there is a tax of 25%. If China sells a car into the U.S., there is a tax of 2%. Does anybody think that is FAIR? The days of the U.S. being ripped-off by other nations is OVER!'
'Before I got the picture and the handshake with Donald Trump, I asked him if me and my friends could sit behind him. I had no idea I was going to be on Trump's shoulder.'
For some Americans living along the southern border, their property has become 'ground zero.' This shocking surveillance footage shows very clearly some of the dangers they are up against.
'Owning a gun for hunting doesn't necessarily mean being a hunter is a core part of your identity. But owning a gun because because you think it's an essential right guaranteed in the Constitution is more a part of your political identity. It's something more attached from the get-go to politics.'