The findings in these two studies are enough to motivate me to surround myself with as much greenery as possible! Even if I struggle to keep them alive.
'I am very frustrated that a highly talented musician like Eric was the victim of such an unthinkable, immoral act that delayed his progress and advancement as an up-and-coming young musician and delayed his embarking on a most promising career.'
You may remember these four dads, they each took the internet by storm with their viral stories involving their children. In light of Father's Day, I reached out to each of them and asked them to share their best advice for other dads. Their responses will make your heart melt.
The doctors were so sure that the baby girl would not survive that they gave Lugo's husband holy water to baptize their child so she could die in peace.
Fred's wife, Joanne, recently appeared on the Jimmy Fallon's show and further confirmed that Mr. Rogers was as wonderful off camera as he was on camera.