@MailOnline / Twitter screen shot 'Hidden' Bible Chapter Uncovered from 1,500 Years Ago - It Was Always There, But No One Could See It Using ultraviolet technology, a scientist recently discovered ancient Biblical text hidden in an ancient manuscript. By Ole Braatelien April 13, 2023
Rich Polk / Getty Images 'John Wick' Star's Lawyer Disputes Actor's Death Certificate, Claims It Goes Against Facts Known by Family "John Wick" actor Lance Reddick died suddenly in March. But when his cause of death was revealed on Thursday, his lawyer quickly disputed it. By Ole Braatelien April 8, 2023
Kevin Winter / Getty Images for Human Rights Campaign Watch People Stand Up One by One and Disrupt Nancy Pelosi Event: 'You're a Sad Old Drunk' Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was speaking at a blue state university and did not receive a warm welcome at all. By Ole Braatelien April 6, 2023
Indiana Department of Corrections / Murderpedia Man Murdered Woman, Defiled Corpse - Now Walks Free Despite Death Sentence Thomas Schiro was convicted of a horrible crime and was given the death sentence. Now he walks free, and his whereabouts are unknown. By Ole Braatelien March 19, 2023
@DawgOutWest / Twitter screen shot College Student on Life Support After Suffering Brain Bleed on Spring Break Trip in Mexico It was supposed to be a fun spring break before graduating this year. But something horrible happened instead. By Ole Braatelien March 16, 2023
Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images Read the Entire Explosive $50 Million Gen. Flynn Lawsuit Against the US Government General Flynn is suing the federal government for $50 million. Here is the entire draft filing he's going to hit them with. By Ole Braatelien March 3, 2023
@Independent / Twitter screen shot Jack Daniel's Ordered to Halt Barrel House Construction as 'Whiskey Fungus' Takes Over Community "Whiskey fungus" has covered almost everything next to some Jack Daniel's barrelhouses. The locals are outraged. By Ole Braatelien March 2, 2023
@firstpost / Twitter Fish Literally Rain from Sky in Freak Weather Event - And There Are Photos of the Fish It was just another day in the Australian outback when fish began falling from the sky in a bizarre but not unheard-of phenomenon. By Ole Braatelien February 25, 2023
@ausvstheagenda / Twitter screen shot TV Host Goes Off-Script, Declares He's Done with Jab After Seeing 'Fit and Healthy' Dropping Dead An Australian television host surprised his audience with a declaration about the latest COVID booster shot. By Ole Braatelien February 10, 2023
RealPeopleGroup / Getty ImagesCommentary The Left Is Wrong: Thanks to 'Global Warming,' We Actually Have More Trees According to a 2018 study, we have more trees now than we did in 1982. "There is no climate crisis," a physicist says. By Ole Braatelien February 6, 2023