Seyllou - AFP / Getty Images; Tony Karumba - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: Colonialism Reappears in Africa with a Woke New Spin Woke Western politicians are forcing their climate activism on the Third World. The effect is lethal and quick. By Vijay Jayaraj September 29, 2022
Abhishek Chinnappa / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: The Rich Are Taking the Poor to the Cleaners on 'Green' Energy in Countries That Can Least Afford It It is time that poor countries stop experimenting with proven failures like wind and solar in the name of climate wokeism. By Vijay Jayaraj March 30, 2022
Manjunath Kiran - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Here's Why Climate Alarmists Are Ignoring All-Time Record Crop Production in India 'There is no climate emergency. Earth and its people are in fact flourishing in a time of relative warmth and plenty.' By Vijay Jayaraj August 21, 2021