
Here's the Best GOP Governor Candidate You've Never Heard Of


I have several friends who agree with me that the next Republican governor of Nevada should be a physician who nobody knows named Fred Simon.

My friends and I have not been shy about saying what we think.

From the more politically connected friends, we often hear things like “How does this guy think he can win? He’s never held office before. Why doesn’t he start with something smaller?”

Well, let’s see — didn’t Donald Trump win the presidency with no previous political experience?

Where is it written that not being a professional politician is a bad thing?

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People who are not professional politicians have a tendency not to tell us they will do something and then “forget” to do it. Lying is not unheard of in the professional politico class.

Who do our doubters think can beat Simon?

Well, they always start with Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo.

Anybody who regularly reads the Las Vegas Review-Journal might notice that it’s hard to go a single issue without a reference to a murder on the front page. Wouldn’t you think a sheriff should be concerned about his track record as a cop before he starts looking at becoming a governor?

And then, there’s North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee.

He just switched parties.

Wouldn’t you think he ought to give it some time before he runs for governor?

And then, there’s the perennial candidate — former Sen. Dean Heller. He got beat like a drum by the weakest Democrat to run for Senate in some time.

I don’t know about you, but the GOP needs a deeper bench. Kind of like the USA Basketball team, which just got manhandled by, oh yeah, France in their first Olympics game.

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You don’t develop that bench by overlooking a trauma surgeon who’s willing to take a chance on his future career.

The truth is that we in Nevada know darn well when we have maybe the worst governor in years — and that’s some pretty rich company.

Do we need some help in the legislature?

You bet.

But why talk your way out of having a serious candidate for governor?

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Fred Weinberg is the publisher of the Penny Press, an online publication based in Reno, Nevada ( He also is the CEO of the USA Radio Networks and several companies which own or operate radio stations throughout the United States. He has spent 53 years in journalism at every level from small town weekly newspapers to television networks. He can be reached at You can subscribe, free, to the Penny Press weekly email on the website.
