
Biden Claims to 'Know More Than the Vast Majority of People,' Declares Himself a Top Candidate in US History


President Joe Biden defended his decision to run for reelection on Friday and declared that, at his age, he knows “more than the vast majority of people” and is one of the most qualified candidates in all of American history.

Biden, who is currently 80-years old, would be 82-years old at the beginning of his second term if he is reelected, and 86-years old should he see through the entire four-year term.

Democrat and moderate voters have expressed concerns about Biden’s age, but he dismissed them on Friday during an interview on MSNBC with anchor Stephanie Ruhle.

Ruhle asked him, “Why would an 82-year-old Joe Biden be the right person for the most important job in the world?”

Biden’s response? He called his age one of his stronger suits and claimed he has accumulated more knowledge and wisdom throughout his life than most people.

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“Because I have acquired a hell of a lot of wisdom and know more than the vast majority of people,” Biden said.

You can watch a clip of the interview below:

Biden added, ”And I’m more experienced than anybody that’s ever run for the office. And I think I’ve proven myself to be honorable as well as also effective.”

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Biden’s claim was challenged after a clip of the interview went viral on Twitter, as the president was brutally mocked for the boastful claims.

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Biden was also asked about the possibility his son Hunter Biden might be charged with federal tax and gun crimes and how that might affect his presidency.

“First of all, my son’s done nothing wrong,” Biden told Ruhle.

Biden added: “I trust him. I have faith in him and it impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him.”

Regardless of Biden’s self-assessment, it’s not a view shared by many Americans. Sixty-eight percent of registered voters who responded to a poll from Yahoo News/YouGov poll in March said they believed Biden was “too old” to serve another term.

Of Democrats polled, 48 percent of them said his age was a problem for them.

Among independents that number rose to 71 percent.

Biden announced last week he would seek another term but many of his voters from 2020 said they were not excited about seeing him on the ballot next year.

Axios reported the president is far behind where former President Barack Obama was in his reelection campaign during the same point in his first term.

Biden’s 2024 campaign has only acknowledged two full-time staffers and one of them, his campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodríguez, has not started yet.

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