
Biden Claims Republicans Want to Slash Border Funding, Real Answer Is Buried on Page 496 of WH Budget


President Joe Biden is looking to score points against his GOP rivals on immigration spending, but his budget proposal seems to refute his own claims.

In a Tuesday tweet, the president accused “MAGA House Republicans” of wanting to cut funding for Border Patrol, a slash that Biden claims would eliminate 2,000 badly needed border agents.

“My budget keeps our borders secure while expanding legal pathways for migrants seeking asylum,” Biden added.

On Facebook, the White House echoed the president’s talking points.

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“President Biden’s budget will improve public safety, strengthen border security, and improve the safety of our transportation networks,” the White House post stated.

“Extreme MAGA House Republicans are pushing draconian cuts to these critical national priorities that would endanger Americans’ safety.”

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs was quick to refute Biden’s statement in a tweet of his own, calling it “a total fabrication.”

“In your 2024 budget proposal, you call for billion-dollar cuts to border security operations and ICE,” the Republican retorted. “By the way, it took you 80 years to get that picture.”

Biden has been criticized for his delay in visiting the southern border amid an explosion of illegal immigration.

Unfortunately for Biden, a quick look at the White House budget proposal seems to corroborate Biggs’ rebuttal.

In the proposal for the 2024 fiscal year, the Biden administration vows to enhance border security with more funding.

“The Budget includes nearly $25 billion for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), an increase of almost $800 million over the 2023 enacted level when controlling for border management amounts,” the document states.

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“The Budget includes funds for CBP to hire an additional 350 Border Patrol Agents, $535 million for border security technology at and between ports of entry, $40 million to combat fentanyl trafficking and disrupt transnational criminal organizations, and funds to hire an additional 460 processing assistants at CBP and ICE.”

While the Biden administration talks a big game, the actual numbers seem to paint a different picture.

On Page 496 of the appendix to the budget proposal, which provides more “detailed information on the various appropriations and funds that constitute the budget,” the spending numbers from 2023 to 2024 show that CBP apparently faces budget cuts across the board.

Everything from mission support to border security operations will be given less money than in fiscal year 2023.

As for ICE, Page 503 of the appendix reveals that the agency will get $330 million less for “enforcement and removal operations.”

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