
Biden's Border: 'That's a Rape Tree' - Border Rancher Reveals What Liberal 'Compassion' Really Looks Like


While President Biden and his fellow Democrats attempt to paint their border policy as loving and compassionate, the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.

Rancher John Ladd owns land right next to the border of Mexico in Arizona and has been taking pictures of different spots near the border, according to Daily Mail.

Included with pictures of his cattle and the border wall erected during Trump’s presidency, there is one far less positive.

“That’s the rape tree,” he said, showing a photo of a tree with women’s clothes strewn around it.

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Ladd shared that “all the women who come across get raped by their guides” and that the tree seems to be a common place where it occurs.

Even worse, the one shown by the rancher isn’t the only of its kind. Many others by the border see similar scenes of female clothing haphazardly tossed into the bushes.

Ladd also shared that rape isn’t the only atrocity that occurs on his land. He said that he’s begun keeping track of the dead bodies he finds on his property, which currently total 17.

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“They’re not seeking asylum,” he said. “They’re military-age males in camouflage, balaclavas, and a cell phone. They don’t want to get caught.”

Ladd has had to change how he maintains his farm, previously carrying around a Smith and Wesson revolver but now having to “carry a Glock because it has more bullets.”

But the mass of illegals coming onto his land hasn’t deterred him.

“We’re not scared,” he shared. “But we know what we’re going to do if we’re confronted, you know, kids, grandkids, wives, everybody.”

The hard-boiled Arizonan also commented on how the smuggling business has shifted in more recent times, once being carried out by individuals charging low amounts but now being organized by local cartels charging $6,000.

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“The whole industry has changed,” he stated. “For the cartels, it’s their moneymaker and the drugs are a sideline.”

The border issue has completely backfired in the face of Biden and his administration.

Upon taking office, Biden immediately began to undo the work that his predecessor, Donald Trump, put in place to secure the border. He claimed he would be “making new law” and was “eliminating bad policy.”

Unfortunately, Biden was only right about making new law, not eliminating bad policy. By eliminating the policy that kept the border safe and replacing it with his vision, he managed to completely ruin border security in the name of liberal compassion.

Somehow, he and the Democrats believed it was more just to allow illegals to pour in unfettered than to attempt to keep any form of security on the southern border.

Now, the border has become a war zone filled with murder, drugs and rape, far from the loving place liberals want us to believe it is.

By living in LaLaLand rather than reality, the left allowed the American border to become the worst it’s ever been.

The United States can never let migrants come across en masse without sacrificing the security of its citizens and those wishing to come into the country legally.

“America needs to wake up it this,” Ladd said. “This has already changed America, in the last three years and it’ll never be the same and the border will never be the same.”

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