Deep Dive

Biden's Declaration of War and 4 Other Takeaways from His State of the Union Address


On Thursday, Americans witnessed all the darkness of the Biden regime distilled into one speech.

Our decadent ruling class gathered at the U.S. Capitol to hear President Joe Biden tell one lie after another, showcase the establishment’s demonic priorities, and declare war on Americans who disagree with him in the State of the Union address.

John Solomon, founder of Just the News, offered perhaps the most generous possible interpretation of what we saw: “This wasn’t a SOTU, it was a campaign speech that neglected a vision for America in favor of selling a division of America for political gain.”

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Others saw something even more sinister than a “campaign speech” purposefully “selling a division of America.” Here are five takeaways from the most Stalin-esque SOTU ever delivered:

1. A Declaration of War

Perhaps the evening’s most insightful observation came from conservative commentator Charlie Kirk.

On X, Kirk noted that Biden opened his speech with a reference to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s appearance before Congress in January 1941.

According to the White House transcript of Biden’s address “as prepared for delivery” — note the qualifying language “as prepared” in case Biden went off-script or sounded incoherent, which of course he did — the president’s speechwriters chose to highlight FDR’s comment: “I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the union.”

Did you watch Biden's State of the Union address?

“That’s seemingly a random way to open a speech,” Kirk posted.

“Or is it? FDR spoke about declaring ALL OUT WAR in two theaters and to rally Congress. Joe Biden views himself in the same light. He sees YOU and anyone who supports the Republican nominee for US President as the moral equivalent of the Nazis, worthy of destruction. Joe Biden sees himself as a wartime leader overseeing a domestic war against the American right.”

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Tucker Carlson, meanwhile, called Biden’s SOTU “possibly the darkest, most un-American speech ever given by an American president.”

“In fact, it wasn’t a speech; it was a rant, entirely lacking in decency or generosity to his fellow Americans,” Carlson added.

2. The Enemies: Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump

Of course, the president’s declaration of war required enemies dangerous enough to warrant the World War II reference. And he made his sinister meaning clear.

“What makes our moment rare is that freedom and democracy are under attack, both at home and overseas, at the very same time,” Biden said.

We have heard such drivel so often that its mere repetition dulls its impact. But to see it in print — to read the words of an actual U.S. president who regards “democracy” as “under attack” at home by those who have the audacity to disagree with him — should disturb anyone who loves freedom.

First, Biden trotted out the regime’s shopworn bogeyman, otherwise known as Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“If anybody in this room thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine, I assure you he will not,” Biden said.

Then, Biden made the transition to what he regards as a related domestic menace, calling the Jan. 6 Capitol incursion “the gravest threat to U.S. democracy since the Civil War.”

“But they failed! America stood!” the unhinged octogenarian yelled. “America stood strong, and democracy prevailed!”

In other words, the people who went to Washington, D.C., to protest an election they regarded as rigged and stolen from former President Donald Trump, who then got caught up in an apparent deep state entrapment plot, and whom federal agents have spent years relentlessly hunting and mercilessly prosecuting — those people the president regards as the equivalent of the Confederate Army.

Now, pay close attention to the two videos above. Note what happened when Biden demanded more support for Ukraine and demonized Jan. 6 protesters.

All of the Democrats and many Republicans applauded.

In other words, the uniparty establishment loves foreign war and hates Americans.

3. “Say Her Name”

Earlier on Thursday, the House of Representatives passed the Laken Riley Act.

Named for the 22-year-old Georgia nursing student allegedly murdered last month by an illegal immigrant previously charged with multiple crimes in the U.S. and then released, the bill would require federal officials to detain and deport such criminal aliens.

The vast majority of Democrats voted against the Laken Riley Act. Still, the slain young woman’s memory dominated parts of the evening.

First, as Biden made the interminable, handshake-filled procession into the House chamber, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, decked out in a red jacket and matching MAGA hat, demanded that Biden acknowledge the victim of his open border policies.

“Laken Riley. Say her name,” Greene told the president.

Then, during his speech, when Biden finally turned his attention to the crisis at the border, Greene again challenged him, yelling, “Laken Riley!”

Surprisingly, Biden took the bait and supplied us with one of his characteristic gaffes.

“Lincoln — Lincoln Riley,” Biden said. For the record, Lincoln Riley currently serves as head football coach of the University of Southern California Trojans.

But then the president shocked everyone by referring to “an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal.” (Afterward, soulless Democrats predictably objected to the word “illegal.”)

Having spoken his first true words of the night, however, Biden returned to form by making it about himself.

“To her parents, I say, my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself. I understand,” the president said while looking up at the crowd in the gallery above. Riley’s parents, however, had declined an invitation to attend.

The entire exchange took only 30 seconds, and it almost defied belief.

4. Afghanistan and the Biden Regime’s Tyranny

The macabre SOTU also provided reminders of the Biden administration’s shameful and criminally calamitous 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“America’s safer today than when I took office,” the president said at one point to incredulous murmurs from the audience.

For Steve Nikoui, who sat in the gallery, the lies had gone too far.

“Abbey Gate! United States Marines!” he yelled. Nikoui’s son Kareem, a U.S. Marine, was killed in a terrorist bombing at the Abbey Gate military base in Kabul, Afghanistan, during Biden’s botched withdrawal.

Biden took no notice of the angry father but instead kept talking about himself.

Then it got worse. Photos from outside the House chamber showed Nikoui in handcuffs.

Sean Davis of The Federalist described the photo with understated yet appropriate outrage: “The regime arrested a man whose Marine son was killed by Biden’s incompetence for the crime of reminding Biden where his son and 12 others were killed.”

5. Democrats’ Death Cult

Biden’s grotesque speech would not have been complete without a nod to one of the Democrats’ most cherished “freedoms”: the freedom to kill one’s own children.

In a video posted to X, Carlson sarcastically referred to a “present” Biden has for the American people.

Carlson then showed a clip of Biden threatening the Supreme Court justices in attendance who overturned Roe v. Wade. The president blathered on about the electoral power of women and the promise to secure “reproductive freedom.”

Meanwhile, Democratic legislators, including women clad in white to show their support for abortion, erupted into a raucous standing ovation.

“You can’t have a safe, clean country, or groceries you can afford, or schools that will educate your children,” Carlson said.

“But you can have abortion. You can have a lot more abortion. How about some more abortion for you? That’ll make you happy and free. You can have all the abortions you want,” the conservative commentator mockingly added.

In short, it was a depressing and revealing evening that encapsulated this entire dark presidency.

On the rare occasions when Biden told the truth, he did so only by accident. Furthermore, he highlighted the entire establishment’s obsession with killing people overseas and his own party’s demonic enthusiasm for infanticide.

Above all, however, he declared war on us.

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Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.
Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.
