
BLM Activists Seize Control of George Floyd Square Again, Put Barriers Back Up


Minneapolis attempted to return to relatively normal on Thursday by launching a sudden operation to remove barricades surrounding 38th Street and Chicago — otherwise known as George Floyd Square.

The operation, which took place at 4:30 a.m., was met with angry protesters who attempted to put a stop to the clean-up, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.

The area was mostly clear by the end of the morning. However, any progress made has since been lost.

By late morning, protesters were already promising to continue the street’s occupation. Many activists circulated the hashtag “#nojusticenostreets” on Twitter.

The city of Minneapolis originally planned to have the area cleared by August 2020, according to WCCO-TV.

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Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and city council members Andrea Jenkins and Alondra Cano issued a statement about the removal on Thursday. This comes after the three became central spokespeople in addressing “racial injustice” in Minnesota following the death of George Floyd.

“We are collectively committed to establishing a permanent memorial at the intersection, preserving the artwork, and making the area an enduring space for racial healing,” they said in the statement.

“The City’s three guiding principles for the reconnection of 38th and Chicago have been community safety, racial healing and economic stability and development for Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian and other communities of color.”

“Alongside City leadership, we have met on a regular basis with community members to discuss both the short-term path toward reconnecting this area and the long-term plan for the neighborhood with sustained investments to help restore and heal the community.”

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Now, another intersection in Minneapolis has been barricaded. A second fist statue sits in the middle of 39th and Chicago. The symbol of a raised fist has become the standard marker for Black Lives Matter and other “racial justice” organizations.

Despite the assurances of local leaders, activists are still calling for a list of 24 demands to be met.

The list, published in August 2020 by unspecified activists, includes demands such as ending qualified immunity, investing $400,000 into George Floyd Square and keeping the area closed until all four officers involved have had their trials.

“As the city meets our demands for justice, the barricades can be negotiated for removal,” the self-described neighborhood activists wrote.

The “Justice Resolution,” detailing the 24 demands, said that those living near 38th and Chicago were prepared to “maintain” the barricades.

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They did.

By Friday, defaced road signs, tarps and cars served as the refortified barriers.

Activist Marcia Howard, who has been acting as the sentry of George Floyd Square, posted a TikTok to Twitter reiterating the “no justice, no street” sentiment.

“Take away a barricade, get a new barricade,” Howard said.

“And guess what? No justice, no street.”

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Tarra Snyder is an assignment editor at The Western Journal. Previously, she wrote freelance for WCCO-AM in Minnesota and worked for the Republican Party of Minnesota as a media communications intern.
Tarra Snyder is an assignment editor at The Western Journal. Previously, she wrote freelance for WCCO-AM in Minnesota and worked for the Republican Party of Minnesota as a media communications intern.
