
BLM Utterly Silent After Shooting Death of 10-Year-Old Boy in Queens, NYC


Black Lives Matter is once again ignoring tragedies that do not fit its leftist narrative of police departments hunting down unarmed black people in the streets.

The bustling New York City borough of Queens came to a screeching halt on Saturday following the murder of Justin Wallace, a 10-year-old black child, at the hands of an unidentified shooter.

Wallace was at his home in Far Rockaway, Queens, at 9:30 on Saturday evening when a gunman approached the house and fired several shots at the door as Wallace was walking through it.

According to WABC-TV, Wallace was shot through the chest while his uncle was struck in the shoulder.

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Wallace was pronounced dead at St. John’s Episcopal Hospital, but his uncle is expected to survive his injuries.

The New York Police Department released a video in the following days showing the shooter approaching the home and firing several shots.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday that the “cowardly, horrible human being who fired gunshots just randomly into a home” would “be brought to justice,” WABC reported.

“He will suffer the consequences of what he did,” he added.

Wallace’s murder is surely a tragedy. A child was murdered in his own home. And yet, some of the parties who ought to be the most vocal on such a tragedy have been completely silent.

Black Lives Matter has not said a word regarding the situation. No statements or press releases from the organization’s website, and nary a tweet has been sent out even acknowledging the tragedy.

Major proponents of the organization, like Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have had uncharacteristically quiet. They’ve spent their time promoting Pride month, endorsing their liberal friends for political office and pushing the leftist agenda, but not speaking out against the violence Wallace’s family has had to endure.

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Because Justin Wallace’s death does not fit the narrative.

Wallace wasn’t shot and killed by a police officer. An unknown gunman fired randomly into a home in Far Rockaway, striking the child. His death isn’t useful to their cause, which means that his death isn’t important.

Thankfully, though, not all are following AOC’s footsteps, including those in her own party. Democratic Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York tweeted that Wallace was “taken from his family entirely too soon from gun violence.”

In a follow-up tweet, Meeks wrote that “[t]aking action is an imperative” and that he would “continue to push for meaningful gun reforms on the federal level.”

While some will obviously not agree with Meeks’ solutions, the representative made a sincere effort to not only acknowledge the injustice that had occurred but also to promise that he would work to see its prevention in the future.

Unfortunately, other liberals seem to refuse to do the same.

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