
Buyer of Hunter Biden's Artwork Gained Access to WH 13 Times, Landed Presidential Appointment


I have never seen bigger scam artists than the Bidens. It is as if there is no depth to their greed nor betrayal of the American people. One scam follows the other with each of producing more money for the Bidens along the way.

If anyone dare wonder where Hunter Biden learned his skill as a thief, liar, bribery aficionado, and sell-out, just look at the “Big Guy.” That’s where he learned it. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. He could have also acquired his artistic talent there, too, for all I know. There is none.

He paints like a kindergartner. But again, the Democratic ideology of “believe what I tell you, not what you see” tells another story, one which we are all expected to accept: Hunter has harbored a hidden talent, and now it is coming out.

It absolutely is, no doubt. The drug-addicted, oversexed son of our current president knows how to run deals that line the pockets of himself and his dad in exchange for influence. His art is no exception.

Ask Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, the California real estate investor who purchased a piece of Hunter Biden’s art. Does anyone truly believe that this wealthy, successful woman bought a Hunter Biden original because she fell in love with it? Or did she do it for an alternate reason? Before you answer, think about all of the fantastic artists and artwork she could have chosen to buy instead.

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We all know that answer. Naftali bought access to the White House, which she visited 13 times according to the visitor logs, according to The Washington Free Beacon. It was unclear from reports exactly when Naftali purchased the artwork, though her visits all took place after December 2021, according to the Free Beacon.

Suspicious? You betcha, although the Bidens would have you believing otherwise.

They’d also have you believing that her meeting with White House senior adviser Neera Tanden on March 21 was also pure coincidence, as was her appointment to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad a few short months after Hunter Biden’s artistic coming-out party, as Insider reported.

The woman who bought the art suddenly received an appointment to this prestigious position, and we are all asked to believe that the nature of these events is unmitigated “happenstance.”

Do you think Joe and Hunter Biden are corrupt people?

Don’t you dare look further “under the rug” to find the $13,000 donation she gave to the Biden campaign or the $36,500 donation she donated to the Democratic National Committee. There is nothing to contemplate there either. Boy, the disdain for the American people and our intelligence couldn’t be made more obvious.

It seems that the secure wall that was erected between Hunter Biden’s professional art career and sales has been successful as porous barriers at our southern border, despite attorney assurances.

Hunter Biden lawyer Abbe Lowell told Insider, “The gallery sets the pricing and handles all sales based on the highest ethical standards of the industry and does not disclose the names of any purchasers to Mr. Biden.”

Americans have reason to doubt that.

Hunter Biden has made influence-peddling an art form. Where will it end, though? That is what I am most concerned with as are so many of the American people.

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We keep seeing the headlines — at least in conservative media outlets. Evidence continues to unfold. And yet, stonewalling continues at the Department of Justice, and instead of seeing the inside of a jail cell, Hunter Biden is looking at a sweetheart plea deal.

We are all very tired of the dance, the failed threats, the absolute charade that is our government.

So many Americans are barely surviving. How many within our own government can say the same? None.

The crooked Biden family is simply indicative of a compromised system, which is growing bolder by the day. From the top down, we’ve created an environment where it is good to be a thief. The only one who will ever get “locked up” for theft is the honest, hardworking man who happens to be sitting on the wrong political side at the moment.

With all of the hullabaloo around Hunter Biden, he remains a free man. He bears little consequence for his villainous actions.

The man is a traitor. And all that this boils down to, thus far, is a good story. In a nutshell, this will only end when the American people end it. The fact that we continue to allow such corruption to go on, pacified by watching and waiting, is the real problem after all.

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Laura J. Wellington is an award-winning children's television creator, author, blogger and technology entrepreneur. A TED Speaker, she is the founder of the THREAD MB blog as well as the ZNEEX app, combining new friendships and walking on the local level.
Laura J. Wellington is an award-winning children's television creator, author, blogger and technology entrepreneur. A TED Speaker, she is the founder of the THREAD MB blog as well as the ZNEEX app, combining new friendships and walking on the local level.
