
Watch: California Libs Have No Clue... Give Outrageous Answers for Fake President’s Day Questions


A recent trip to the liberal mecca of California by the folks at Prager University for the purposes of interviewing locals and visitors on what they know about America’s presidents proved to be as hilarious as one might expect.

To be blunt, the folks hanging out at Hollywood Boulevard knew pretty much nothing about America’s presidents, though at least one of them had a great excuse for her ignorance: “How am I supposed to know — I’m European.”

Fair enough point. For the others, however, there were no excuses — particularly for the woman who claimed Abraham Lincoln was America’s first president.


But at least she had an answer, though it was wrong. When interviewer Will Witt asked some guy “who was the first president,” he made it abundantly clear he didn’t have a clue.

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“Oh s***, I can’t even think about it. I don’t even keep up with presidents,” the guy said.

Dude, did you even complete middle school? Come on!

Watch the interviews below:

Do you know who America's first president was?

That’s just sad. Sadder still is how common this ignorance has become.

A study conducted by memory experts at Washington University in St. Louis a couple years back found that a whopping 71 percent of Americans falsely believed that Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, whose portrait lines the $10 bill, was once a president.

Granted, the study involved asking participants a trick question: Which president’s face graces the $10 bill?

Still …

Consider also that, according to Smithsonian magazine, “Studies over the years show Americans of all ages fail to answer the most simple of questions” regarding their nation’s past.

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One 2008 study found that only roughly half of American adults could specify the three branches of government. Another study in 2014 found that just 18 percent of 8th grade students were proficient in U.S. history.

So, while the temptation certainly exists to blame the ignorance of the people in the video above on dumb Californians just being dumb Californians, the fact is that historical ignorance is a nationwide problem.

The good news is that it can easily be fixed. How? By reading a book! DUH!

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