
Ché Ahn: Pastors and Politics? Giving the Church a Backbone


Another Election Day came and went, but the question we should all be asking is: Where was the church?

Every election cycle is significant, yet some hold greater sway than others. Despite this being an off-year election, Nov. 7 had unfortunate repercussions in certain pockets of our nation.

The state of Ohio, which voted red in the last two elections, passed Issue 1 cementing abortion into the state constitution. Ohio has joined the ranks of California and five other states that have bolstered pro-abortion legislation since the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

If voter turnout was noticeably “robust” this election, what does that mean for the Christian constituents of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Virginia — all of which favored non-conservatives in the recent vote?

It clearly means the church has been asleep and silent, especially during elections.

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While everyday Christians have an important part to play in this equation, I believe the responsibility lies primarily on the shoulders of church leaders (myself included).

Within the past decade, all indications show that conservative pastors are less and less likely to tackle political issues in a public setting. By and large, this decision is based on the fear that people will leave the church, and with them their tithes and offerings.

To be sure, a study by Dr. George Barna found that the majority of church leaders attributed their reluctance to speak candidly on social and moral issues to pressure from within the church, not outside the church.

The pastors of America need a holy dose of conviction and courage, two necessary ingredients not only to voice the truth but to stiffen the spines of others.

The late great Billy Graham wrote the following words four months prior to the 1964 presidential election: “The world today, it seems to me, suffers not only from a lack of convictions, but also from our timidity in expressing those convictions we do have.” It is astonishing how germane these words are to our present time.

Graham continues, “In the face of all kinds of conditions screaming to be rectified” — today that could be summed up by the radical left agenda decomposing traditional Judeo-Christian values — “too many of us find ourselves afflicted with moral laryngitis.”

As the title of Dr. Michael Brown’s recent book aptly puts it, we are witnessing “the silencing of the lambs.” If we do not speak up and act now, we run the risk of seeing moral cowardice and passivity spread throughout more of the church.

In a time of moral decadence, strong leaders must arise to champion strong values. We must have both pastors and church members engaged in the political process to vote for candidates with biblical worldviews who will help to turn our culture around.

The priorities of conscientious Christian voters should revolve around the non-negotiables: pro-life, pro-family and pro-religious freedom.

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Looking back just one year ago, we cannot take the landmark SCOTUS case Dobbs v. Jackson for granted. What seemed impossible — the toppling of the menacing giant that was Roe v. Wade — became a reality in our generation.

A major victory was won, but the battle continues. We must do all that we can to maintain the territory that came through Dobbs, and to build on that momentum.

As church leaders, we need to relentlessly preach biblical values to change and reform our culture.

Today is the day of reckoning — the day to draw the line in the sand. Will you take a stand, plant your feet in the soil of an authentic biblical worldview, and speak the truth in love?

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Ché Ahn and his wife Sue have been the senior pastors of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California, since 1994. Ché is the president of Harvest International Ministry, an apostolic network in over 70 nations, and the international chancellor of Wagner University. He received his M.Div. and D.Min. from Fuller Theological Seminary and has authored numerous books, including his latest release, "Turning Our Nation Back to God Through Historic Revival," available on Amazon. Visit his website at and find him on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
