
Close Associate of Biden Family Worked for Delaware US Attorney During Hunter Biden Investigation


As Hunter Biden pleads not guilty to federal tax evasion and gun possession charges, it has been revealed that a close associate of the Biden family once worked for the U.S. attorney investigating the first son.

Biden pleaded not guilty to the charges on Wednesday after a judge struck down an initial plea agreement. The case is being prosecuted by Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

On Tuesday, the Washington Examiner reported that a former aide to President Joe Biden, who referred to Hunter Biden as “brother” in messages recovered from Hunter’s infamous laptop, worked in Weiss’ office from 2018 to 2019.

That former aide is Alexander Mackler, who served as press secretary for Joe Biden during his time in the Senate and as legal counsel during his time as vice president, as stated in Mackler’s LinkedIn profile.

The profile also shows that Mackler worked on Joe Biden’s late son Beau’s campaign for Delaware attorney general in 2010. Mackler even volunteered to work on Joe Biden’s presidential transition team in 2020. He is now chief deputy attorney general of Delaware.

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That’s not all, however.

It seems as though Mackler’s relationship with Hunter Biden was quite a close one.

In October 2018, Mackler emailed Hunter while he was working for Weiss as an assistant U.S. attorney.

“I just finished a hellacious couple months in court. Now that I have a chance to breathe, was wondering how life is on your end. Last you told me you were out in LA. Gimme a call sometime we can catch up. Love you brother,” Mackler’s email read.

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Weiss’ office opened its investigation into Hunter’s financial dealings three months later, according to the Examiner.

Fox News also obtained text messages between Mackler and Hunter from March 2019, “well after the federal investigation was underway.”

Mackler texted Hunter, saying, “Hey. In the car for long drive, just wanted to say hi,” to which Hunter responded, “hey buddy how goes it.”

“Wanted to check in and see how you are,” Mackler texted later.

It also appears that Mackler wasn’t very fond of former President Donald Trump.

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He “frequently vented” about Trump to Hunter and his business partner Eric Schwerin following Trump’s election, Fox reported.

“I’m trying very hard to take solace in the fact that more people in this country feel like us than like Trump’s people,” Mackler told them in 2016.

Mackler briefly worked with Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf under Weiss.

During recent testimony before the House Oversight Committee, IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler said Wolf interfered in multiple investigations into the Biden family.

Ziegler specifically alleged that Wolf prevented investigators from asking questions about Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business dealings and tipped Hunter Biden off about a planned search of his storage unit.

The Examiner noted that Mackler and Wolf prosecuted a major case together in 2017.

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