
Commanders Sued by Native American Group That Wants Team Name Changed Back to Redskins


A group representing the interests of Native Americans has filed a lawsuit against the Washington Commanders to revert the team’s name back to the Washington Redskins, arguing that the change dishonored their culture’s history and heritage.

NBC reports that the Native American Guardian’s Association (NAGA) filed the lawsuit this week in the U.S. District Court of North Dakota, alleging the Commanders of having a “monopoly on the narrative” about the reasons behind its name change.

The lawsuit also accuses the Commanders of defaming their organization by attacking their integrity and is seeking $1.6 million in damages.

“This coordinated effort by the Commanders to defame NAGA in their attempt of cancel culture meets the legal requirements of defamation, among other damages,” said NAGA’s attorney Chad Laveglia, Esq., in a media release.

“Given the Commanders are an NFL Team with extensive resources, a basic Google search that anyone can perform proves NAGA is, in fact, a legitimate entity. The Commanders’ alleged intent to defame and slander them is actionable. We are thankful for the whistleblowers that have come forward and we anticipate many more will.”

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NAGA describes itself as a “non-profit organization advocating for increased education about Native Americans, especially in public educational institutions, and greater recognition of Native American Heritage through the high profile venues of sports and other public platforms.”

The media release explains how NAGA previously sent a demand letter to the Commanders alongside a viral online petition requesting an “open dialogue” with the team and providing evidence that Native Americans were not offended by the “Redskins” name.

Instead of responding to the letter, NAGA claims the Commanders launched an “alleged defamation campaign against NAGA and included a statement of support by the Soros-funded National Congress of Indian Americans (NCAI) encouraging the cancel culture of historic name.”

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Meanwhile, the organization’s president Eunice Davidson said that they were “fighting against cancel culture for ALL AMERICANS.”

“Native Americans have been the target the longest — we will fight fiercely to preserve our historic place in America — just like other figures and groups; however, we will not burn down our Nation or encourage any violence in our efforts, unlike others,” she explained.

“America is simply not for sale to this epidemic of cancel culture and DEI initiatives — NAGA will continue to fight to defend Her,” she continued.

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A Commanders representative told NBC that the company will “address the matter in court” but maintained that the lawsuit is “without merit.”

The Commanders announced their name change back in 2020, in the wake of the nationwide Black Lives Matter riots sparked by the death of George Floyd, saying the decision had been taken as a result of “recent events around our country and feedback from our community.”

However, a survey taken in 2016 by The Washington Post found that nine out of 10 Native American’s don’t find the “Redskins” name offensive.

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