
Congressman Opens Up 'Stronger Together' Rally By Telling Trump Death Joke


Florida Democrat Rep. Alcee Hastings is making waves over a joke he made at a “Stronger Together” rally Sunday in Sunshine, Florida.

The congressman had heard the joke by Ari Silver, the son of former Florida state legislator Barry Silver, and decided to repeat it for the crowd.

“Ari asked the audience the other night in Palm Beach country, he said, ‘Do you know the difference between a crisis and a catastrophe?” Hastings started.

The crowd could be heard chuckling.

“And no one held (up) their hand,” he said, “so Ari answered for us, he says, ‘A crisis is if Donald Trump falls into the Potomac River and can’t swim,’ he says and, ‘and a catastrophe is if anybody saves his a–.'”

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The crowd then erupted in laughter.

You can watch what apparently passes for humor among the Democrat Party elite here:

He continued to blast the president, saying, “There is no question that something is tragically wrong with his mind.”

Do you think this joke was appropriate?

Additionally, he finished off the evening by saying that he had to adjust some of his previous comments.

He said that he used to say that if the Mueller investigation doesn’t cause Trump’s downfall, “Stormy Daniels will.” But now, he says that if Mueller doesn’t bring down the President, “Omarosa will” — a reference to recent allegations made by the former White House aide Omarosa Manigault-Newman while hawking her new book, “Unhinged.”

The congressman, moreover, has made it clear that he is no fan of the president. In 2017, Hastings, as well as other Democrats, boycotted Trump’s inauguration.

Additionally, during the 2016 election, he called the then-Republican nominee a “sentient pile of excrement.”

Hasting, however, is no stranger to controversy.

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The Daily Caller reported that in 2004, the Office of Compliance made a $220,000 payment to an employee of the Helsinki Commission after she accused Hastings of inappropriate behavior.

“The staffer alleged that he repeatedly invited her up to his hotel room when they were traveling,” the report stated.

Hastings denied the allegations, but The Daily Caller suggested that due to the size of the payout, “authorities may have viewed the evidence as particularly damning or were highly motivated to make it go away.”

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Steven is a former writer for The Western Journal and has written hundreds of stories for both Western Journal and Conservative Tribune. He is a follower of Jesus, husband to an amazing wife and father to two beautiful girls.
Steven is a former writer for the Western Journal and has written dozens of stories for both Western Journal and Conservative Tribune. Steven is a native of Louisiana but has transferred to a remote desert land often referred to as Arizona. He has a beautiful wife and two amazing daughters. You can often find him hiking the Arizona landscape or serving on the worship team at his church.
Shreveport, LA
B.S. Church Ministries with a specialization in Church Planting and Revitalization
Phoenix, AZ
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