
Dan Crenshaw Rolls Out Incredible New Eyepatch for Trump's SOTU, Instantly Goes Viral


Dan Crenshaw isn’t your typical congressman. While many people, even today, still think of “politicians” as stuffy, graying men in suits, the 34-year-old former Navy SEAL is redefining politics with his authenticity and a touch of bada–.

The warrior-turned-lawmaker has already become a bit of a household name, especially after he appeared on “Saturday Night Live” to accept an apology after a joke about his eyepatch and military service fell flat last fall.

That patch, of course, is the consequence of wounds sustained in battle from his time with the SEALs — but instead of being a handicap, it’s come to symbolize Crenshaw and his “happy warrior” ethos.

On Tuesday evening, all eyes were on the State of the Union address. It was the first SOTU for the freshman Texas representative, and Crenshaw made the most of it by making sure that his eyes — well, one at least — were ready for prime-time.

“New SOTU eyepatch coming…” the veteran hinted on Twitter hours before the president’s speech was scheduled to begin.

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Social media lit up, with over 5,000 users quickly reacting to the cryptic, four-word post.

The congressman didn’t disappoint.

As he joined other lawmakers from both parties in the Capitol, the former special operator was spotted sporting a stylish accessory that set him apart from the crowd.

“Who is Dan Crenshaw wearing?” Daily Caller reporter and Turning Point USA contributor Benny Johnson posted on Twitter from the Capitol floor.

“A damn handmade wooden eyepatch with an iron Navy SEAL eagle & trident. THATS WHO.”

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Sure enough, Johnson shared a photo of Crenshaw looking very much like someone you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark ally, with a custom-made eyepatch stealing the show.

Crenshaw was one of dozens of lawmakers Johnson humorously asked “who are you wearing?” as they made their way to their seats. The Hollywood-style red carpet questions are part of a running joke for the conservative journalist.

Crenshaw, of course, took the gag in good spirits as he laughed and mingled with the audience before the speech.

“Actually it’s not a name brand,” he joked about his suit.

This may seem like a small thing, but it’s actually very important. With all the petty bickering and backstabbing in politics today, it’s refreshing to see people — yes, even politicians — as human beings again.

At the same time, Crenshaw is a sharp reminder to keep moving forward and not see oneself as a victim.

Instead of letting the loss of an eye hold him back, the congressman has shown that he isn’t letting challenges stop him … and he can still poke fun at himself at the same time.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.
