
Dem Congressman Goes Rogue, Tears Into Party for Attitude During SOTU Speech


Believe it or not, but being a Democrat politician doesn’t automatically make one averse to common sense and decency. While the antics of leftist hotheads like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer suggest otherwise, the consistently praiseworthy behavior of West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin demonstrate that it’s true.

Responding Wednesday morning to the way his Democrat peers had behaved during the State of the Union the night before, for instance, Manchin made it clear that he was raised better than that, according to The Daily Wire.

“I think the Democrats were wrong in not showing respect — that’s just me,” he said, adding that unlike his peers, he made certain to show President Donald Trump respect during the SOTU address.

In fact, at one point he almost stood up to give Trump a standing ovation but changed his mind after he noticed that none of his peers were standing (let alone clapping):
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At least he made a sincere effort. Being as he’s a Democrat, however, he laced his criticism of his peers with equal criticism of the Republicans as well.

Specifically, his beef lay with the way congressional Republicans allegedly behaved during the State of the Union addresses of former President Barack Obama.

“I was very, very upset when I saw the Republicans never, ever stood up with Barack Obama, and there were things I didn’t agree about President Obama in his speech,” he said during his appearance on MSNBC.

Except there’s a glaring difference between simply remaining seated during a SOTU address — as Manchin himself did during Trump’s SOTU, I might add — and, you know, booing, hissing or making hideous faces.

Did the Democrats misbehave during the SOTU address?

“Democrats booed President Donald Trump, with at least one member of Congress shouting ‘that’s not true,’ when the president outlined his proposed cuts to legal immigration,” Business Insider reported Wednesday.

And here’s that hideous face I mentioned:

What a horrific sight.

Only once did something even remotely similar occur during Obama’s time in office, and that was when Rep. Joe Wilson yelled “You lie!” during the 2009 SOTU. But Wilson was immediately rebuked by House Republicans afterward.

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As of Thursday morning, not a single other Democrat besides Manchin had rebuked the behavior of their childish peers. Why is that?

Because they all hate Trump so much that, of course, they see nothing wrong with treating like garbage. How shameful.

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