
Democrats Are Already Bailing on Biden to a Startling Degree, New Poll Finds


Less than a year into President Joe Biden’s term, Democrats looking to the future already don’t like what they see.

With a constant stream of self-inflicted crises — from the ongoing chaos on the border caused by the president’s betrayal of his oath of office, to an international image badly weakened by his betrayal of allies in Afghanistan — the first 10 months of the 46th president’s term have been a failure even by the most partisan standards.

And according to a poll released Monday, even Democrats can see that isn’t building toward a successful future.

The NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll conducted Oct. 18-22 found 44 percent of 469 “Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents” think the party would have a better chance of winning the presidential election in 2024 if someone other than Biden is its nominee.

Only 36 percent said the party would be better served if Biden is the standard-bearer. The margin of error for the Democrats polled was +/- 6.4 percent, which means it’s possible that there’s a difference of only two percent between those who think Biden will hurt versus those who think Biden would help.

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It’s also possible, however, that the margin of error could go the other way, and there are a couple of reasons to think the numbers are considerably worse for Biden than they appear at first glance.

First, the 36 percent of Democrats who said the party would be better off with Biden were not given the actual identity of his substitute. Considering that the logical substitute for Biden at this point is Kamala Harris, it’s a good chance that a lot of those respondents were answering simply that Biden would be better than Harris.

Considering Harris is registering a disapproval rating of about 51 percent compared to an approval rating of 42 percent, according to RealClearPolitics, that’s less a vote of confidence in Biden than distrust of his vice president.

The second point to remember is that Biden’s support is dismal after actually succeeding in the 2020 presidential campaign.

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Yet the man who lost that race, former President Donald Trump, is supported by 50 percent Republicans and Republican-leaning independents in the 2024 election, according to the 413 polled, while only 35 percent thought another candidate would be more successful.

When a man who’s been subjected to five-plus years of unrelenting attacks by a dishonest, vitriolic mainstream media and cultural elites is seen as stronger than a politician who’s been the beneficiary of slavish sycophancy by those same “institutions,” it’s a good bet the game is up.

Not even Democrats are buying the propaganda anymore — if they ever did.

(Biden, remember, lost and lost badly in the first three Democratic primaries and caucuses of the 2020 election season. It was only when the Democratic establishment, faced with the prospect of having socialist Bernie Sanders as its actual kamikaze nominee, tipped the scales in Biden’s favor via the South Carolina primary that the doddering, almost certainly corrupt career politician was on his way to the nomination.)

Meanwhile, the rest of the country has watched the astonishing combination of arrogance and ineptitude from the Biden White House and come to the unavoidable conclusion that this isn’t headed anywhere good.

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An NBC News poll released Sunday found 71 percent of the nation’s voters believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, NBC reported. NBC polled 1,000 adults with a margin of error of +/- 3.1 percent.

That’s below a record-high 75 percent of Americans polled by Politico/Morning Consult who said the same in June 2020 — when Trump was president — but not by much. The poll surveyed 1,984 registered voters and had a margin of error of +/- 2 percent.

At the time, the country was in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic with vaccinations still a long way off. And again, the American public had been subjected to years of mainstream media hostility to the Trump White House.

This can’t be heartening to a Democratic Party facing crucial elections Tuesday and in the midterms next year.

In the governor’s race in deep-blue New Jersey, incumbent Democrat Phil Murphy enjoys a comfortable poll lead over Republican Jack Ciattarelli, though Republicans are still hoping for an upset, according to CBS News. Under Murphy’s handling, the coronavirus pandemic was a deadly disaster for Garden State as it was in the more notorious New York (for many of the same reasons), and the Democrat indulged some of his party’s most revolting authoritarian instincts.

The state also has not re-elected an incumbent Democrat since 1977, CBS noted, so anything is possible.

In Virginia, meanwhile, an incumbent Democrat closely tied to the party’s establishment is in real trouble running for a second term as the governor of Old Dominion.

Democrat Terry McAuliffe (who served as governor from 2014 to 2018) is facing a serious challenge from Republican Glenn Youngkin. A Democratic defeat in Virginia, or even a very close race that McAuliffe wins by hook or by crook, likely means a rough time for the party in next year’s midterm elections when every member of the House of Representatives in the country is on the ballot.

Biden’s performance — a disgrace before the country and the world — has been no help.

All of that has to give Democrats a reason to be nervous about the future.

The president’s disastrous 10 months in office have been so bad not even a united mainstream media can keep the general public from seeing it.

It’s been so bad that even Democrats who supported Biden for the job now know — less than a year in — that he’s not going to be the man for the future.

The rest of America has elections — from Virginia and New Jersey on Tuesday to the midterms of 2022 — to prove they know it, too.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.
