
Democrat's Interview Interrupted by Drive-By Shooting in Broad Daylight Near Public Park


As crime rates surge across the nation, most Democrats will be hiding in their gated communities with armed security, shielded from the very same crisis that their own policies created

For one Democrat in Memphis, Tennessee, however, that illusion was shattered after a recent experience she had while being interviewed by a local news crew.

On Tuesday, reporters from the local station WATN-TV interviewed Democratic city council candidate Yolanda Cooper-Sutton,

As Fox News notes, they were supposed to be talking about the police department’s plans to put a teen curfew in place when shots rang out from a drive-by shooting, causing Cooper-Smith and the team to run for cover.

As they hid waiting for the shooters to leave, someone started praying, “Thank you for the blood of Jesus that covers us. Thank you, Father, for the blood of Jesus. Thank you, Lord.”

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While the show of faith was touching and meaningful, it didn’t make the entire ordeal any less disturbing.

After all, it doesn’t get much more disturbing than a shooting taking place in broad daylight near a public park that has playground equipment.

Fortunately, at the time, there were no children on the playground, but just imagine if there had been. Imagine the panic that it would have caused. A child could have been seriously injured or killed if they had gone to that playground.

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This shows just how bad crime has become in American cities, to the point where children can no longer go out in broad daylight and play in the park for fear of being shot at by criminals.

While neither Cooper-Smith nor the news crew were hurt during the incident, the fact that this happened to a city council candidate during a news interview about crime says everything you need to know about the state of the country.

Crime in Memphis and other major cities across the country is surging, and the Democrats who run the cities seem to have no interest in doing anything to solve the problem.

Instead, they seem more interested in implementing soft crime policies in the name of pursuing a “woke” leftist agenda. This has only emboldened violent criminals to commit more crimes.

After all,

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Perhaps this experience will motivate Cooper-Smith if she is elected to advocate for stronger measures needed to stop the crime wave in her city.

In addition, it is also worth noting that during this terrifying ordeal, someone took the initiative to start praying for safety, and to explicitly invoke God and Jesus, something rarely seen on the news today.

This serves as a reminder to us that God is always there to help us not only in moments of life and death, such as being witness to a drive-by shooting but also in the ordinary struggles of everyday life.

This was an absolutely horrific and traumatizing event that took place, but maybe it will end up bringing some positives to the community.

It might spur the city council to finally take some action to stop the rise in crime, and it also reminded viewers watching the news of the power of God to help in these situations.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
