
Dems Caught Red-Handed as Cameras Catch What They Were Doing on Their Phones During SOTU


Of all the deplorable behavior displayed by the Democrats during President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address this Tuesday, that of Michigan Rep. Brenda Lawrence may perhaps be the worst.

A photo snapped by a photographer for Getty Images shows Lawrence playing the puzzle game “Candy Crush” on her smartphone during the address, as reported by The Detroit News.

The Democrats sitting to the left of her were likewise “checking their phones during the one-hour, 20-minute address,” though at least they weren’t playing a game.

Check out the photo below:

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As if all the booing, groaning and hissing by the Democrats during Trump’s well-received SOTU address weren’t bad enough.

Though Lawrence refused to comment directly about her disrespectful game-playing, she did issue what appeared to be a lackluster excuse about it.

“When you know his policies and the things he has said and the disrespect, I cannot connect the words to the person standing there,” she said to The Detroit News. “He kept talking about us as Americans. I don’t feel like I’m his America. I’ve been feeling that way for a long time.”

This despite the fact that Trump specifically highlighted the record-low unemployment level in the black community during his address.

Are the Democrats spoiled children?

“Unemployment claims have hit a 45-year low,” he said. “It’s something I’m very proud of: African-American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded, and Hispanic American unemployment has also reached the lowest levels in history.”

In response to this, Democrats remained seated, including the Democrats in the Congressional Black Caucus:

“(H)e didn’t say one thing about crime in America – how urban cities are dealing with so much crime. America First? Where’s your plan to deal with overall crime?” Lawrence, a member of the CBC, added in her statement to The Detroit News.

I swear it’s like these people live on another planet …

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According to new FBI data released last month, violent crime dropped by 0.8 percent, robbery by 2.2 percent, assault by 0.1 percent and rape by 2.4 percent during President Donald Trump’s first six months in office.

In an op-ed published in USA Today just last week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions attributed this reduction in crime specifically to Trump’s policies.

“Trump ran for office on a message of law and order, and he won. When he took office, he ordered the Department of Justice to stop and reverse these trends — and that is what we have been doing every day for the past year,” he wrote, referencing the increase in crime seen during the administration of former President Barack Obama.

But apparently Lawrence never saw the FBI’s report, not that she would have even cared. As conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh pointed out this week, Democrats are “a bunch of children.”

“The Democrats are really a bunch of spoiled brats when they don’t get their way. They really are a bunch of spoiled little brats and children entitled to power, entitled to winning everything — and when they don’t, it’s just not right and it’s unfair and it’s crybaby time,” he said.

Exactly. And because they still remain resentful over how badly they lost during the 2016 election, I doubt this childishness will end anytime soon.

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