
Detransitioned Young Man Who is 'Patient for Life' After Castration Warns About 'Gender-Affirming Care'


It has been said that “gender-affirming care,” which includes measures given to individuals who falsely believe they are a gender other than the one they were born with, is a “good” thing.

However, a young man who received gender-affirming care and who “transitioned” into a woman, has come out and spoken against the practice, according to a Fox News report published by the New York Post.

The young man, whose name is given simply as Kobe and whose age was not included in the article, formerly “identified” as being a woman. Kobe had castration surgery at the age of 19 and described himself as being a “patient for life” because of gender-affirming care.

Kobe filled out every box needed to fill the role of a so-called “trans-adolescent.”

The young man was always “effeminate,” according to the Fox report, and he loved the color pink as well as playing with Barbies.

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Kobe said that if he was never exposed to gender ideology, he’d simply have “stayed as a feminine boy,” as reported by Fox.

“I felt unlovable as an effeminate man in society and everything. A feminine boy, actually. I was never a man, I’m trying to reclaim my manhood now and everything. It’s hard. I have breasts, I have the hip development of a woman because I started the estrogen young. I have no gonads. You know, it’s hard. My skull never really masculinized,” Kobe said.

The interview is below:

Kobe has now looked back at his decisions to “transition,” and has regretted every decision made during that time.

He spoke out against the medical procedures he underwent, calling them an example of “self-harm.”

Kobe said the procedures were a way for him to escape his “internalized homophobia.”

“I mean, I saw it as a way out of my homosexuality if that makes any sense,” the young man said.

What Kobe did not realize was that the decision he would make would last with him forever.

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The truth eventually kicked in for the young man.

“I was like, ‘Oh, wow, this is so great. I’m locked in my transition… But then everything started to crack and I couldn’t ignore the complications,” he said. “I couldn’t ignore that I mutilated myself pretty much with the permission of a psychiatrist. It’s insane now, looking back. It’s just self-harm, you know.”

“And I said, ‘Oh, you can do this.’ You know, I don’t have to be a gay guy. I don’t have to be an embarrassment. And all this horrible stuff that I thought about my homosexuality, and it was like a light bulb. It was like, ‘this is a way out,’” he said. “I thought it was,”

Kobe said that he told his parents he was “transgender” when he was 11 years old.

Although Kobe refrained from using the word “groom,” he said he was “taught” to use so-called “suicide tactics” when trying to persuade his parents to receive “gender-transitioning surgeries.”

“I started using, like, ‘the suicide tactics,’ because that’s what they are. That’s what they tell us all to do … I don’t want to use the word ‘groom,’ but we are, like, taught. I guess the older trans people teach us to say that stuff to get the health care and everything,” he said.

At the age of 13, Kobe was already on puberty blockers, and by the time he was 19, he obtained castration surgery.

“I was expecting it to help me help my mental health, and it didn’t do anything. I just wasted so much time and all I did really was become a medical patient for life,” he told Fox.

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Kobe now regrets being on puberty blockers, considering that his growth is now “permanently stunted.” He has also developed severe, chronic pain in his body because of the procedure.

“I need to get checked for osteoporosis because I do have a pretty severe back pain just going up the spinal cord,” Kobe said in the interview.

Puberty blockers have falsely been considered safe. They have been linked with lower bone density, as reported by St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

Kobe added that upon receiving estrogen, his cognition has become heavily impacted. According to Fox, the young man would often have difficulty remembering things or speaking during a conversation.

“It was constant brain fog. I was psychotic at some point. A lot of men that I know who went through this hormone replacement therapy, it’s the exact same thing for them. Estrogen just makes them snap,” he said.

He also said how his “doctors” would constantly praise the idea of sex-reassignment surgery.

“The plan was always estrogen and then SRS (sex-reassignment surgery),” he said.

As the name indicates, SRS refers to medical interventions that help individuals “transition” into the gender they “identify” as.

Kobe later expressed regret over his decision to transition.

The letter that gave surgeons the green light for sex-reassignment surgery “said hormone replacement therapy was successful for him, and that Kobe was happier and mentally stable,” according to Fox.

“None of it was true. I wasn’t mentally stable. I hated myself. I wanted to die, and I just was constantly trying to become something that wasn’t,” Kobe told Fox. “And it was awful. It was dissociating, it was terrible. But… and I’m sorry that – the estrogen – I lost my train of thought…”

Kobe recently began taking testosterone, but explained how he no longer has a functioning endocrine system, which are glands and organs in the body tasked with transporting hormones into the bloodstream. As a result, Kobe will have to take testosterone for the rest of his life.

“Honestly, I feel alive again,” he said about being on testosterone. “I feel energetic. I feel confident. I just, I feel great. And it just goes to show that cross-sex hormones are bad. They’re just bad.”

Kobe said that although he sympathizes with individuals who are convinced they are suffering from gender dysphoria, they should not receive “gender-affirming care.”

“I just want [people] to know that I am strong. I see myself as very strong for what I went through. I’m a pretty compassionate person. I do care about kids that are suffering with gender dysphoria and everything. And I think that they deserve help. But I don’t think that that helps,” he said.

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