
'Devil Comet' Set to Appear in Skies During Daytime as Godless America Faces Most Dangerous Time in 60 Years


In our aggressively scientific age, we rarely see celestial phenomena as anything other than a neat curiosity, with no meaning beyond what’s immediately visible.

And most of the time, that’s an accurate assessment.

But, occasionally, a heavenly body will appear in the sky, the timing of which makes us question our prosaic, strictly science-oriented perspective.

As reported by The Washington Post, a comet has appeared the sky that we only see once every 71 years.

The Pons-Brooks comet, known by the nickname the “Devil comet,” is currently only visible by telescope or binoculars, but, per the Post, it should soon be visible by the naked eye and might be seen during the total solar eclipse that will be happening on April 8.

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The comet, first discovered by French astronomer Jean-Louis Pons in 1812, then in 1883 by William Brooks, gets its nickname from its “cryovolcanic” activity, which means it has eruptions of gas and ice that cause it to flare over 100 times brighter at certain times.

At those times, its coma — “a gassy planet-sized cloud around the core” — creates the appearance of devil horns.

The Sky Live likewise suggested it might be visible during the totality of the April 8 eclipse, which will be visible across the U.S. from Texas to Maine, but its variable brightness makes it uncertain whether it will be seen or not.

Will you be watching the total solar eclipse?

YouTuber Adam Brooks demonstrated in a video how he took a picture of the comet, explaining “it’s probably [his] last opportunity to do so” since “it won’t be around for another 70 years.”

On its own, for star watchers this in an incredible, unparalleled opportunity, not just to see the comet, but to possibly see it during a total solar eclipse.

Now, on their own, the rarely seen comet and the total solar eclipse would just be cool astronomical phenomena.

But in the sky at the same time, during a time when our nation is descending into chaos — could God be trying to tell us something?

We know from the Old and New Testaments that God frequently uses astronomical phenomena as signs of his pleasure or displeasure.

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God led the Israelites through the desert in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and even stopped the day to allow Joshua’s forces to triumph against the Amorites.

And in the New Testament, God used the star to lead the Magi to the manger to see the Christ child, while the Book of Revelation cited several dramatic astronomical phenomena as part of the Great Tribulation (though the exact interpretation of these signs is hotly debated among Biblical scholars).

Could this comet and this eclipse, coming as they do during a period of political turmoil and moral degradation in the United States, function as a similar sign for us?

Is Pons-Brooks a sign from God?

Maybe not, but who can really say.

It is worth, however, considering what signs in the heavens mean. After all, if it’s not a sign of prophecy but it causes us to stop, consider, and repent, then couldn’t we consider that a sign from God in some sense?

Perhaps that’s something we should be doing more often anyway.

After all, consider the current state of the Western world.

For one, we face a real nuclear crisis right now, more real than any since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

For another, our selfishness, which is celebrated in our culture, has created a population crisis that will likely destroy the West unless we reverse course.

In the meantime, we’ve created a new religion of radical environmentalism wherein we worship God’s creation more than God himself.

And finally, we’ve attempted to twist God’s creation into the unholy spectacle of inordinate self-love, deviant sex, and transgenderism that destroys everything it touches.

If ever there were a time to look to the heavens, see something scary like a two-horned comet, and consider that maybe the star is a sign of our faults, that time is now.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


And if the leftists and the elites get their way, that’s exactly what will happen — no real election, no real choice for the Electoral College, and no real say for the American people. 


The Western Journal is fighting to keep that from happening, but we can’t do it alone.


We work tirelessly to expose the lying leftist media and the corrupt America-hating elites.


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Thank you for reading,

Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor


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