
Devon Archer to Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden Wrote Me 'Thank You' Letter After 2011 China Meeting – 'Happy You Guys Are Together'


Joe Biden’s claims that he has never involved himself in his son Hunter’s business dealings faced new challenges this week.

First, Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer spoke Monday with the House Oversight Committee “about his work with Hunter Biden to court wealthy figures in China, Russia and Ukraine while Joe Biden was vice president,” according to the New York Post.

That meeting was held behind closed doors.

But then Archer sat down for a lengthy interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson that was released in two parts on Carlson’s social media channel, “Tucker on Twitter.”

One major topic of conversation in that meetup was a 2011 letter from the elder Biden to Archer that appeared to indicate Joe Biden’s intimate familiarity with his son’s business dealings.

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Biden sent a personal note on Vice Presidential letterhead to Archer after he attended a luncheon with dignitaries including Hu Jintao, who was then president of China.

“I apologize for not getting a chance to talk to you at the luncheon yesterday,” the typewritten letter begins.

“I was having trouble getting away from hosting President Hu. I hope I get a chance to see you again soon with Hunter. I hope you enjoyed the lunch. Thanks for coming.”

A handwritten addition at the bottom reads, “Happy you guys are together” — an apparent reference to the business partnership between Archer and the younger Biden.

Carlson expressed amazement at the letter. “What was he thanking you for?” he asked Archer.

Archer called the note “a nice gesture.”

“It was kind of the beginning of our partnership and he was thanking me and thanking Hunter,” he said.

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Carlson read more into the incident. “It was a nice gesture for sure,” he responded. “Very polite. It gets a 10 on the etiquette scale.”

Then the newsman pointedly added, “But he’s vice president of the United States and he’s talking about foreign business deals with you and thanking you for that.”

Carlson went on, “These are not business guys. This is the vice president of the United States. He’s not allowed to be working on businesses with foreign governments while he’s vice president, I don’t think.”

Archer couldn’t argue with that. “Not that I know of,” he replied.

“But here he is!” Carlson exclaimed.

“Right,” Archer concurred.

Not everyone is drawing the same conclusions from Archer’s testimony and evidence.

Ian Sams, White House spokesman for oversight and investigations, told The Hill that Carlson was “cherry-picking” information.

“The President was never in business with his son, and even his son’s associates are testifying to Congress that the President never discussed their business dealings and wasn’t involved in them,” Sams told the news outlet.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, told The Hill that his client “did not involve his father in, nor did his father assist him in, his business” beyond “small talk.”

However, the letter — particularly in the context in which it was written — potentially indicates the contrary.

The father and son face potentially serious consequences if found to have used Joe Biden’s political position for personal gain.

Archer is also facing legal penalties, having been convicted of trying to defraud a Native American tribe of close to $60 million in bonds, the Post reported. He was sentenced last year to 366 days in prison but has not yet begun serving the sentence.

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Aubrey Wursten is a prolific writer and political commentator. In addition to her day job, she enjoys writing for her satire site, reading dusty library books, and watching offbeat documentaries.
Aubrey Wursten is a prolific writer and political commentator. In addition to her day job, she enjoys writing for her satire site, reading dusty library books, and watching offbeat documentaries.
