
DNC Has $400k from Going Broke, Trump-led GOP Rolling in Cash


Though Democrats claim to represent the majority of Americans, their failed fundraising efforts suggest otherwise.

Records filed with the Federal Election Commission by the Democrat National Committee last year show that the Democrat Party’s formal governing body entered 2018 with roughly $6.5 million in the bank but an outstanding $6.1 million in debt.

This leaves the DNC with just $400 million in net assets.

The Republican National Committee, on the other hand, entered 2018 “with no debt and $38.8 million cash on hand,” according to The Washington Free Beacon.

For a group that portrays itself as a champion of the American people, the DNC appears to be faring quite poorly in comparison to the RNC.

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Keep in mind that the Democrat Party has nearly every Hollywood fat cat and tech industry CEO in its corner, fighting tooth and nail against President Donald Trump and in promotion of Democrat interests.

Why then are the Democrats unable to raise any substantial cash? What’s the problem? Better yet, do Democrats even recognize a problem exists? Judging by what some DNC officials said to The Washington Post, it seems not.

“Democratic Party aides said Chairman Tom Perez has had a difficult rebuilding job but noted the DNC’s 2017 haul was more than what the party raised in previous off years, including the year ahead of the 2006 midterms when Democrats regained control of Congress and years when President Barack Obama helped raise money,” the Post reported this week.

That sounds like an excuse. If I recall, there was no “Resistance” against then-President George W. Bush. Nor were Hollywood leftists incessantly clamoring for his removal from office and his party’s defeat at the polls.

Is the Democrat Party falling apart?

I might be wrong, but I suspect that the DNC’s fundraising has collapsed to record lows because the American people are growing fed up with Democrats, period.

From rigging the Democrat primary against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to cursing like a sailorbehaving like spoiled children and, worse, holding American children’s medical care hostage to protect illegal immigrants, Democrats have taken politics to a new low.

And don’t even get me started on their Russian collusion conspiracy theories, which it now appears have been used to hide their own collusion.

Plus, the party is itself “broken,” as noted last year by The New Republic, and due primarily to its commitment to catering to “consultants” and “party mandarins” over its supporters.

Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh put it best last August: The Democrats “no longer represent the little guy. They represent the uber-elite and wealthy on both coasts. That is the Democrat Party constituency right now.”

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Exactly. Yet even with the support of Hollywood, the tech industry and other wealthy elites, the Democrats can barely raise a dime. Sad.

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