
DOJ Investigators' Witch Hunt into Donald Trump Now Includes His Mar-a-Lago Pool


The ongoing persecution of Donald Trump by both the Department of Justice and the establishment media is a game of dirty pool.

The latest splash the bad actors are hyping involves an actual pool: The swimming pool at Trump’s home at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach County, Florida.

A CNN “exclusive” report published Monday by reporter Katelyn Polantz claims the DOJ is investigating an incident that took place in October when a room containing computer equipment flooded when the pool was drained. The implication is that Trump contrived the flood to destroy surveillance footage concerning document handling at the home.

Prosecutors are making a deep dive into the matter to make sure the flood was not an effort to destroy evidence and thwart investigations, Polantz reported, citing unnamed, as usual, “sources familiar with the matter.”

Appearing Monday on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper,” Polantz said the apparent maintenance accident “adds into this constellation of things that just are suspicious.”

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In her article, Polantz floated the claim that the same maintenance man who allegedly was filmed moving boxes around a secured storage room in the Trump residence was the one who drained the pool. It was not explained where the surveillance equipment was located, and how pool water got there during the draining.

Tellingly, Polantz mentioned reports said no video surveillance footage was damaged in the flood, which would seem to undermine the point of the story.

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It has not been confirmed if there are missing documents or missing footage. There isn’t even confirmation there was any damage to the servers.

“Prosecutors have heard testimony that the IT equipment in the room was not damaged in the flood, according to one source,” Polantz reported.

However, for establishment media reporters covering Trump, the point seems to be to make up accusations, just like the whole “Russia collusion”  hoax that was exposed and documented by special counsel John Durham.

Polantz needs to add those systematic deceptions to her “constellation of things that just are suspicious.”

The handling of classified documents is just one of the current witch hunt strategies against Trump. It began with an unprecedented and unjustified FBI raid in Mar-a-Lago on August 8, 2022.

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The FBI had inspected the document storage in June 2022, and raised no concerns, other than requesting an additional lock be installed. Then two months later, the FBI executed a search warrant in a manner Trump described as looking like a military coup.

Trump accused President Joe Biden of being in on the raid, which Biden denied. The plausibility of that denial took a serious hit in April when a conservative watchdog group went public with evidence that the White House actually helped instigate the raid.

The raid backfired with the public, exposing FBI shenanigans like rummaging through former first lady Melania Trump’s wardrobe and having to issue “revised” inventories of the documents seized.

Even left-leaning media sources like The Hill had to admit that as president, Trump very well may wield the ultimate power to declassify documents, rendering the pretext for the raid moot.

Desperate to get Trump on something, anything, corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith as a special counsel in November to carry on the Trump witch hunt.

Of course, no special counsels were named to investigate Biden or former Vice President Mike Pence, even though classified documents had shown up in their possession, too.

This latest leftist conspiracy that Trump may have masterminded a server room flood is based on wishful thinking by those who hate him. The journalists and investigators imagined Trump would stoop to the same tactics the swamp uses.

They fantasize Trump ordered a Fulton County, Georgia-style burst pipe scenario to cover up his theoretical crimes. They hope by proving Trump conspired to drain the pool onto his security cam footage, he can be prevented from returning as president to drain the swamp.

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Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
